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Comment count is 5
Lord_Crocodilicus - 2014-10-01


infinite zest - 2014-10-01

Oliver seems genuinely grumpy here and that was just awkward. 5 for Oliver. What's soccer?

fluffy - 2014-10-02

Oliver always seems genuinely grumpy, wrapped in a veneer of British chin-up cheerfulness.

The Mothership - 2014-10-01

This was wonderful, because it is such a great clash of personalities. Dave's just trying to get John to play along and make some entertaining TV for the kids and shore up the American Myth, and John is trying to make a serious point about how English football represents all that is wrong with capitalism, not what Dave is getting at.

Also I lived in Britain for almost a decade, and this is the best explanation of how footy works I have ever seen.

5 stars for entertainment on many levels.

yogarfield - 2014-10-02

Dave's got about 5 years (tops) before his Cryptkeeper transformation hits its climax, then after that he's going to have to go on looking older than the dead themselves.

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