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Comment count is 10
zatojones - 2007-03-07

Saudi Arabia must have very, very smooth highways

kingarthur - 2007-03-07

That made me smile.

minimalist - 2007-03-07

Is there an Arabic equivalent to "Ghost Ride the Whip"?

RockBolt - 2007-03-07

Christ you can't walk down the street in Colorado without breaking your ankle in a pothole

SebastianMelmouth - 2007-03-07

It's like multiple Jesuses, all sandled and sundressed.

Teldin - 2007-03-07


Menudo con queso - 2007-03-07

Could this be the only good thing about living where it never rains, snows or freezes?

kiint - 2007-03-07

beautiful, even if they are probably a bunch of punks in real life

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-03-07

Wax, teflon, soap, alternate pavement substance, or what?

Hooker - 2007-03-07

I wouldn't want my daughter exposing her forhead to those punks.

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