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Desc:A bunch of created wrestlers that mean nothing to anyone kill eachother. Inu Yahsa gets killed, too.
Category:Video Games, Sports
Tags:wrestling, game, boring, caw, misogyny
Submitted:Killer Joe
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Comment count is 8
Herr Matthias - 2007-03-31

please to explain why i should waste ten minutes watching this

timmylean - 2007-03-31

It's like he came up with clever names of already established moves to fit his characters. Lame.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-03-31

Why did you submit it if you thought it was boring?

Urburos - 2007-03-31

Magdelina looks like a bag lady. Prismaya looks like she was an extra in a katamari damacy cutscene.

undead_milkman - 2007-03-31

This is sin!It's a sin, it's a sin, it's a sin! Using Ludwig van like that! He did no harm to anyone

blackbetta - 2007-04-01

A mime and a boy in a helmet = the Gobbledy-Gooker of wrestling games

citrusmirakel - 2007-04-01

Please remove this video from the internet.

Hooper_X - 2007-04-02

Epic amounts of Who Gives A Shit?

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