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Comment count is 8
Cena_mark - 2015-12-22

I'm happy CWC is posting videos again, but this one is rather boring.

Cena_mark - 2015-12-22

Oh wait, I take that back. I only remembered the song from when I first watched this in the hopper, but I forgot all about the gift he recieved. That's hillarious. Too bad he'll never wear the shirt.

EvilHomer - 2015-12-22

But... but she's wearing the shirt right now!

And it's a damn fine shirt too, if I do say so myself. Her sense of fashion has clearly improved since her Vinyl Scratch cosplay days.

Cena_mark - 2015-12-22

I'm talking about the Trollestia shirt.

EvilHomer - 2015-12-22

Oh. Well of course she's not going to wear THAT shirt. It's got the "t" word on it.

Cena_mark - 2015-12-22

But with that shirt Christine can be the troll and not the trolled.

EvilHomer - 2015-12-23

It doesn't matter. "Troll" is a trigger word for Chris. Buying her a shirt with "troll" on it is the equivalent of buying a rape victim a shirt that says "rapist".

Spaceman Africa - 2015-12-22

These are all fucking boring

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