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Comment count is 13
jimmyboblahey - 2016-01-09

This fat guy is such a comedy genius. Dat hair. Dose hands. Dat scripted run. Totally improv.

Conan: What should I ask you?
Patton: Whatever. I can just vibe on anything. Say facepainting and I"ll come up with a story.

BillLumbergh - 2016-01-09

I can't prove it or anything, but I bet those Conan sketches are somehow written and planned beforehand, too.

Xenocide - 2016-01-09

I hear Star Wars is fake.

infinite zest - 2016-01-09

I agree with you Mr. Lahey. I'm not gonna rate this because I like Patton but I know I heard this same routine on one of his albums so this is more lazy and calculated than people going on talk shows to promote movies or their music. At least with those you get a clip or a performance. I know this is pretty standard for comedians, but I'd rather hear about almost anything else. But I guess like NBC used to say, "it's new to me".

infinite zest - 2016-01-09

Hehe I just said Mr. Lahey. Now I'm hungry for cheeseburgers for some reason.

infinite zest - 2016-01-09

Buuuuut I'm gonna 3 star this anyway now that I watched it. I wish people would stop making fun of David Foster Wallace as a hipster vehicle. John Kennedy Toole plz.

Bort - 2016-01-10

It probably shouldn't come as a surprise that stand up comedians will re-use anecdotes between talk shows and their albums; Louis CK does the same thing, for example the "Goodbye Jews!" bit.

I have trouble figuring out my favorite Patton Oswalt bit, but Stella D'oro Breakfast Treats is in the running:


Xenocide - 2016-01-09

Nothing good ever comes of a sentence that begins with "So here's the clown's game."

jangbones - 2016-01-09

Patton Oswalt never drugged any women or jerked off in front of any, did he?

That guy - 2016-01-09

No. It's worse.

infinite zest - 2016-01-09

As stand ups go, I think he's pretty funny, but I'll never understand how Bill Burrs and Patton Oswalts and such can fill up 3000+ seat venues like they do, when I've heard funnier stuff at open mic nights or some of the shit that's written on here. My favorite Patton thing is actually about an open mic night and "Doctor Pepper" who hilariously kept slipping in and out of his heroin high on stage and simultaneously doing three different jokes. I'm glad these guys have achieved success what they like to do, and know they regularly test out new material at smaller clubs, but laughing at a joke I already heard with the 60 dollars I just paid to go see one of them seems a little bit weird to me.

That guy - 2016-01-10

I really like him, yet he talks about star wars WAY too much.

I *wish* he was just a rapist or something.

Spit Spingola - 2016-01-09

What is this, Patton Oswalt week? I'm alright with it.

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