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Comment count is 10
Gmork - 2016-09-08

The political equivalent of "I'm not racist, I know black people!"

Oh wait, it's the same exact thing.

TeenerTot - 2016-09-09

Aw. Nobody wants to stand close to him.

chumbucket - 2016-09-09

My bets are on him listening to Nazareth.

Monkey Napoleon - 2016-09-09

I can't decide what's more insulting:

That we're to believe Trump is tight with black people.
That we're to believe Trump believes in God.

In fairness though, I'd feel the same way if it was Hilary.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-09-09

Black people in general, and black women in particular, are the wind beneath Hillary's pudgy pant-suited wings. That's not a matter of faith. It's right there in the numbers. God knows, the woman has put in her time schmoozing that constituency.

Don strikes me as the kind of guy who'd lock his car door when black people walk by at an intersection. Not coz he's prejudiced mind you, but for Melania's safety! Click....ka-chunk.

Bobonne - 2016-09-09

Donald's gone on record with some pretty unambiguous straight-up racism directed at black people.

Honestly, I'm still surprised any black church would let him use them for a photo op, but maybe they're just being really christian about it, hoping they can actually make him a little better in so doing.

EvilHomer - 2016-09-09

If enough black people vote for Hillary, maybe she and Bill will return all that money to Haiti?

garcet71283 - 2016-09-09

Bodyguard with the shifty eyes at the far left...

M-DEEM - 2016-09-09


StanleyPain - 2016-09-09

Trump doesn't do this shit to woo black voters. The GOP knows black people, by and large, don't give a shit about them.
They do it to create a comfort zone for the massively racist shitheels who support them so they can pretend, on some level of cognitive dissonance, they and their party are not actually bigots or on the wrong side of history.

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