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Comment count is 7
exy - 2017-01-25

One Night Ultimate Beowulf

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-01-25

"What if we could make an acting robot with Sean Bean's face, an athelete's body, and Ray Winstone's talent per salary quotient?"

freedoom - 2017-01-25

I saw this movie in theaters in 3d. my brain had some real uncanny valley problems when i watched it and i couldn't figure out if it was CG or live action. but based on today's CG this movie looks like garbage.

bawbag - 2017-01-25

It's weird how that happens. I remember when the final fantasy spirits garbage film was released, people were going apeshit over the CGI. To say that it has not aged well would be an understatement.

15th - 2017-01-25

"Mr. Winstone, you're a tremendous actor and I believe wholeheartedly that with the help of supercomputers, cutting-edge vfx technology and teams of talented digital artists working tirelessly around the clock, we can overcome your physical appearance. You're perfect for my film."

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-25

I want to know if they had John Malkovich put on a mocap suit and submerge himself in a pool of urine for authenticity.

Maggot Brain - 2017-01-25

Mocap horse and Angelina Jolie's side boob were the best actors in this movie.

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