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Comment count is 10
yogarfield - 2017-10-27

He also contributed to Breitbart, used to intern for Milo Whitesupremacist, and was a true believer in the "Democrats are actually a nationwide ring of pedophile conspirators who killed Seth Rich." The story goes a bit deeper than most of the media is reporting..basically, like all alt-righters and Trump folk, he is mentally unstable and began to believe his own family were in on the Pizzagate conspiracy. He also believed that Common Core education standards were the invention of "feminism" and people who support Common Core were the ones actually harassing and doxxing people like Anita Sarkeesian online. Fucking batshit. It's too bad he has a body count, but hopefully he'll die in prison like all good GOP/Trumpers.

SolRo - 2017-10-27

Fuckin Poe memes

Binro the Heretic - 2017-10-27

That milkshake duck has ear mites!

yogarfield - 2017-10-27

Can I haz wolf urine, Mr. Bouncer?

memedumpster - 2017-10-27

Jang, I was way more invested in this video than I should have been.

Although it did look like an Afghan wedding party right before Imperial Justice Sponsored by Exxon and Raytheon, but at least it also looked like a few people escaped.

Accidie - 2017-10-27

poor will o the wisp

gravelstudios - 2017-10-27

hey everyone, is 54evil.com dead now? if it is, that makes me sad.

Binro the Heretic - 2017-10-27

That was pretty intense. Jack O'Lantern just wanted it more.

cognitivedissonance - 2017-10-28

Needed Cryptkeeper puns.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-10-30

I put all of my money on Ghoster.

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