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Comment count is 9
Stopheles - 2006-03-28

Women outlive men, on average.

Xiphias - 2006-03-28

I was going to make a joke about the accident being expected, but it really wasn't.

xenocide - 2006-03-29

Wow, that announcer doesn't seem concerned at all. Japan is merciless.

Concerned Citizen - 2006-06-30

"Careening down the side of a mountain on a bike... leads to an unexpected accident"? Uh...

enjoy - 2006-07-27

Don't ride a Huffy next time, dumbass!

erix - 2007-01-08

"That must have hurt! Well, time to get naked!"

BAC - 2007-03-26

its rare you see somebody looked that fucked up.

mouser - 2007-09-13

He was probably knocked out when he was standing.

I remember in high school getting a soccer ball kick right in my face (I was goalie). It knocked me out and I apparently finished the game making (better) saves while harassing people for the current time. My brain was trying to resync with reality I suppose. Anyhow, it was the gym teacher that noticed I wasn't entirely there when I was standing in a wave-like pattern, much like this guy.

Fun times I tell you.

Millard - 2007-09-24

Clancy Brown took the cancellation of Carnivale somewhat hard, it would appear.

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