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Comment count is 9
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-03-11

The main character in Wes Andersons upcoming film is a former hovercraft racing world champion

That guy - 2019-03-12


Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-03-11

Also, great pitch at 6:40 ish

Come to a hovercraft race! You will certainly score one of the 3 decent looking girls we managed to find among the 1000's of attendees.

casualcollapse - 2019-03-11

Those German guys looked pretty much the most German I've ever seen a German person be.

casualcollapse - 2019-03-11

Also shout out to that muzak, possibly non-licensed cover of a Depeche mode song

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-03-11

Song at 1:58 is an actual new order song 'true faith'

kingofthenothing - 2019-03-12

The first ever 1989 championship of some kind.

simon666 - 2019-03-12

So apparently there are still some people racing these things in Europe some place in a little watched hovercraft racing series.

badideasinaction - 2019-03-12

We should have a “failed new sports” week.

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