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Comment count is 14
Killer Joe - 2008-01-23

I feel 'to the death' was implied.

Pacobird - 2008-01-23

Needs a "cocaine" tag.

Billy the Poet - 2008-01-24

For verisimilitude, it needs seven or eight consecutive "cocaine" tags, followed by "herpes."

Lurchi - 2008-01-23

It's that announcer guy.
See also: Roller Boogie

Zhou Fang - 2008-01-23

So the film was a vehicle to market the Skatetown USA franchise?

Doomstein - 2008-01-23

Why yes, yes it was.

I'm digging the He-Man haircut on the protagonist.

Zhou Fang - 2008-01-24

Damn, guess it worked. My Hillbilly hometown had one.

sosage - 2008-01-23

Patrick Swayze?!?

Innocent Bystander - 2008-01-23

I can't find a single flaw in this trailer.

revdrew - 2008-01-23

Needed more old midget skater.

athodyd - 2008-01-23

Outrageous guys? I must admit I am pretty outraged.

Dicknuts - 2008-01-23

"The greatest story ever rolled"?

Testicles of Doom - 2008-01-25

I think they meant the greatest story ever LOL'd.

Between this and JOYSTICKS, I'm finding lots of good birthday gift ideas.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-01-24

What did these people do with themselves when the 70's ended? Did they all just fade out of existence, or crawl into cocoons and metamorphose into the 80's?

Although, certainly, Glitterbeard is timeless.

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