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Comment count is 5
robotkarateman - 2008-02-17

+2112 stars.

Colonel Cowlung - 2008-02-17

I know it's cool to hate Rush, but they're one hell of a band.

Neil Peart could stand to lose about 20 drums out of his kit.

Ersatz - 2008-02-17

I don't hate Rush because it's cool, it's just the difference between them and say, Jackyl is lost on me. But I've learned not to cross metalheads by questioning the ineffable greatness of Rush.

I was futilely trying to explain to a friend of a friend the basic concept and appeal of DIY/lo-fi music, from garage punk of the 70s through 90s Lou Barlow one-off bands. I made the mistake of mentioning it serves as a counter-point to hyper-produced radio rock, like Boston or Rush.
The next three years of my life were this guy's hour-long dissertation on the infallibility of Rush and how Geddy Lee is the new paragon of virute and Neil Peart exists on a wholly different existential plane than we mortals.

C. Eloi Marx - 2008-02-17

Please, don't compare Boston to Rush. Rush, although polished and pretentious wrote great pop songs, and their musicianship is unparalleled in rock.

Merzbau - 2008-02-17

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his ROCK?

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