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Comment count is 15
chumbucket - 2009-07-12

clip ending

Riskbreaker - 2009-07-12

At 0:02 the ref is like "damn! what a move!"

B_Ko - 2011-11-29

There's a guy in the audience that shouts "WATCH OUT!" in Japanese during the clothesline.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-07-12

Man, that was stiff.

Hugo Gorilla - 2009-07-12


manfred - 2009-07-12

it's still real to me, dammit!

kamlem - 2009-07-12


MongoMcMichael - 2009-07-12

Ebetaroh rules.

Stopheles - 2009-07-12

Any and every match between Ebessan/Ebetaro and Kuishinbo Kamen is worth watching for its combination of goofy humor and great spots.

I'd love to see them do this sequence in a three-way with Darkness Crabtree, whose gimmick is that he ALWAYS wrestles this slowly, unless he's just taken Geritol in the ring while the ref is looking the other way.

Huskerdu324 - 2009-07-12

This is how I wrestle at four in the morning.

Comeuppance - 2009-07-12

I imagine this is how wrestlers do dress rehearsals.
"Okay, so then I do this, and you go all 'aarrgghh', and then I do this on the ropes..."

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-12

I was on the edge of my chair the whole time.

Hooker - 2009-07-12

I had no idea a shining wizard that lazy was possible.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-07-12

Cleanest, greatest shining wizard I've ever seen.

StanleyPain - 2009-07-13


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