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Comment count is 7
zatojones - 2010-01-27

way underrated movie

Aoi - 2010-01-27

I've always enjoyed it, but having it on in the background while I had to clean up the result of a clogged drain + dishwasher = overflow all over the kitchen, immersed in my own exhausting and seemingly endless despair via frustration gave me a new appreciation for it.

Fuck New York, man.

Candlejackv616 - 2010-01-27

Murray always gets my stars. That said I agree really underrated film, love the scene in the cab with Tony Shaloub.

dementomstie - 2010-01-27

In high school a friend of mine was trying to think of this movie and couldn't think of the names of any of the actors or what it was about and I still got it right. I think his description was "Guy from Chistmas Vacation and the Guy from Ghostbusters and there's a clown."
Also: Really underrated I agree.

Syd Midnight - 2010-01-27

Randy Quaid won that scene.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-01-27


La Loco - 2010-01-27

I got a bike just like the guy who won that joust. That makes me a winner too.

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