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Comment count is 13
rroach - 2010-09-01

He certainly had a blast about 4 years ago.

twinkieafternoon - 2010-09-01

Those San Diego nights, he was the best in town [at intercourse without protection].

akinskirage - 2010-09-01

Currently struggling with a hip injury.

jangbones - 2010-09-01

A+ comment, would read again

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-09-01

not related from being set out to the pasture to stud, I assume.

Deadfetus - 2010-09-01

I miss poesports.

snothouse - 2010-09-01

Cut to exhausted wife.

longwinded - 2010-09-01

good one

Chancho - 2010-09-01

Not bad, but he's got nothing on my grandfather. He had 17 kids. :0

ToucheTurtle - 2010-09-01

We may be yet to know what this guy's staying power is over distance but I imagine he's left your grandfather choking on his dust off the blocks.

ogmisce - 2010-09-02


Sanest Man Alive - 2010-09-02

Oh, so that's whom they named the high school after.

Baron_Von_Bad_Beaver - 2010-09-02

Here's your stars.

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