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Comment count is 6
Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-10-16

can someone help me out with what the fuck this is all about?

spikestoyiu - 2010-10-16

Painkiller abuse?

The Faghorn - 2010-10-16

Mystery revealed: both Hardys are insane. Also fat.

SDAusmus - 2010-10-16

Is this when he was calling himself "The Angelic Diablo"?

twinkieafternoon - 2010-10-17

He STILL does this stuff, by the way. A professional wrestler, on cable television, with millions of dollars, in his mid/late 30s, STILL panders for internet pity by passive-aggressively complaining about things that happen to him in Youtube videos.

Toenails - 2010-10-17


Oh look, Lita's purse is left unattended. Let me just take out her cell phone and go through her messages... OH MY GOD IT'S TIME TO PLAY A GAME YOU FAT BITCH!!!!! IT'S CALLED TELL ME THE TRUTH OR I'LL CHOKE HOLD IT OUT OF YOU!!!!!111

Man, I hope this is fake. Because even his side of the story paints him like an abusive boyfriend.

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