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Comment count is 5
Comeuppance - 2011-05-01

You can't see my family on account of them only being visible to me on account of the silo fever.

Kumquatxop - 2011-05-02

Oh man, 20th Century Castles! POE-Red tie-in! I love everything about this video.

Tom Collins - 2011-05-02

The one in NY with its own hangar and runway is much better, plus it's not a shitty coffin launcher.

TeenerTot - 2011-05-02

Where's the chapel? I want to show my true self unto my god.

RockBolt - 2011-05-03

I wish I could find the clip of another one of these where the guy just added floors to the empty underground silo and was left with these cool round rooms that were elegantly designed and partitioned and actually looked nice. Plus you open the door to the "basement" and the rest of the silo still went down like 100 feet in all its abandoned post apocalyptic glory

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