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Comment count is 12
Abstract Fainter - 2011-10-11

breaking stereotypes to non Canadians you mean.

This shit is common. :(

fatatty - 2011-10-11

I think we can all agree, as much fun as it is to make fun of the loud American asshole stereotype, every country has loud arrogant assholes.

Spoonybard - 2011-10-11

That sounds like an Albertan accent to me

Xenocide - 2011-10-11

I learned a brain once. It wasn't that hard considering the previous week I had achieved a colon. Next month I'm going to try to conquer a respiratory system.

hammsangwich - 2011-10-11

Git'er Dean'er.

memedumpster - 2011-10-11

Oh man, he brought up Chairman Mao. I am actually embarrassed for Canada.

But hey, at least you guys know who that is, we don't.

Wonko the Sane - 2011-10-11

Gross jerks who aren't American week?

cool water sandwich - 2011-10-11

How things work

Sudan no1 - 2011-10-12

He finally had to dig his way back home.

Gwago - 2011-10-12

Hey, every country has their douchebags. Even us.

baleen - 2011-10-12

This fuckin goverment as gotta go.

Change - 2011-10-12

I had a guy from Alberta come down and chill at my school for a month.

It was pretty much this for the last two weeks.

Also "Fucking Bush, how can you stay in a country like this when Bush blah blah blah". I mean in retrospect he was right, but at the time I wanted to punch his teeth.

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