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Comment count is 10
Wonko the Sane - 2011-10-11

Blanka face palm at the end

Nikon - 2011-10-11


Bootymarch - 2011-10-11

rare footage of blanka actually angry

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-11

"Not again!"

Udderdude - 2011-10-11

It's the SNES version, and you need a Game Genie code. Street Fighter II's arcade version had plenty of legitimate game breaking/crashing bugs, though.

Xenocide - 2011-10-11

Guile handcuffs whooooo

twinkieafternoon - 2011-10-11

I'll be here when she comes back.
She's not coming back.

Riskbreaker - 2011-10-11


Prickly Pete - 2011-10-12

I just did an awesome glitch on Hyper Fighting the other day on accident. Guile has an air throw where he grabs you and falls straight down, and for some reason it hit a shit load of times and totally killed the other person. I dug it.

baleen - 2011-10-12

There is no reason why this should have made me laugh as hard as I did.

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