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Comment count is 20
Quad9Damage - 2011-10-18

I'm glad most of these shows are light-hearted enough to crack jokes and have the laugh track going during those 'serious' moments.

Dinosaurs - Didn't Robbie already have a Very Special Episode with a magic green plant?

And the appropriate response to knocking up a high school girl (middle school girl? It being Degrassi and all) is always to smash up one's car.

cool water sandwich - 2011-10-18

It's the show's way of saying miscarriage by careless driving is today's drunken shove down the stairs.

Xenocide - 2011-10-18

It's the hip new trend with pregnant teens. They call it a car-bortion.

GravidWithHate - 2011-10-18

Yeah but Dinosaurs went meta with the happy plant episode. The ending monologue was that kids should stay off drugs so that TV shows don't have to produce preachy, unfunny special episodes about drugs. "We tried to keep it funny, but look, It's the end of the episode and I'm talking to the camera".

Hammer Falls - 2011-10-19

Isn't every episode of Degrassi a very special episode?

NineEleven - 2011-10-18

Your second-hand pot smoke gave your brother cancer, what do you have to say for yourself!?

Toenails - 2011-10-18

*unintelligible grunting*


Xenocide - 2011-10-18

The Cosbys are huge dyslexia fans, but they never dreamed they'd come face to face with an actual dyslexic. After the announcement, Bill couldn't help but ask Theo for an autograph.

chumbucket - 2011-10-18

Could not stop laughing at Saved By The Bell "Hooked on Caffeine Pills"

Jane Error - 2011-10-18

"I'm *outie*"?

memedumpster - 2011-10-18

I actually laughed at "what is it, a pot luck?" That last one makes the rest look even more shameful.

EvilHomer - 2011-10-18

Carlton: TV's most lovable Uncle Tom.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-10-18

Steve Urkel's alcoholism would haunt him the rest of his life.

EvilHomer - 2011-10-18

So that's what happened to Tori Spelling's face. Also, they show "Shawn Joins a Cult", but they completely ignore "Luanne and Peggy Hill Join a Cult"?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-10-24

I'm really disappointed that the Wesley being molested by his baseball coach episode of Mr. Belvedere didn't make it. Because that one was beyond horrible. (they had cookies afterwards and Wesley cracked jokes!) Not shown was the years of trauma that occurred afterward, because it is a sitcom where everything is forgotten the next episode.

Harveyjames - 2011-10-19

Whoa, the Fresh Prince clip at the end was genuinely moving.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-19


Riskbreaker - 2011-12-29

Carlton taking speed was great.

fluffy - 2013-02-23

Was he ever NOT on speed, though, really?

Speaking of amphetamine episodes, this is missing the Family Ties and Small Wonder ones.

Hailey2006 - 2012-02-01

Yeah, they forgot the the Dinosaurs episode where Robbie found the "Magic Plant"
"Don't do drugs, kids or shows like this one are going to make more serious preachy episodes!"

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