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Comment count is 10
klingerbgoode - 2011-10-24

Fake, you can see the strings.

kamlem - 2011-10-24

Needs more Autotune.

Toenails - 2011-10-24

Alpacas love their moms.

GongWise - 2011-10-24

Jesus, I'm not voting on this one because it's an auto 1 star from me, but.....and I realize there's not a lot in the hopper right now, but how did this make it out??

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-10-24

Alpacas are notoriously hard to keep fenced in.

Toenails - 2011-10-24


They love their moms. And if you give that a one star, then your mom is pretty terrible.

Bort - 2011-10-25

I laughed so I voted it up in the hopper. Seemed only fair.

TheSupafly - 2011-10-24

I was completely surprised into laughter by this.

kwash - 2011-10-24

I was terrified by its upper lip splitting like that. Jesus christ.

Pope Caius - 2011-10-24

Stars for the tags on the YouTube upload. I fully believe that this is a fun empowered motivational storm trooper message millionaire Brett McFall.

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