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Desc:'Some people want to make sure we are defenseless. Katey is NOT one of them.'
Category:Accidents & Explosions
Tags:guns, womens rights, rape paranoia
Submitted:Koda Maja
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Comment count is 36
Adham Nu'man - 2011-11-02

This was so great.

Also, rapists generally come at you from a distance, wth their arms raised like big filthy bear paws, face twisted in a horrible snarl, screaming "Aaaaargh, I am going to raaaaaaaape youuuuuuuuu". Guns have proven very effective at stopping them.

kamlem - 2011-11-02

My hands are NOT filthy, thankyou very much!

Cena_mark - 2011-11-02

Yeah yeah... I know most women are raped by people they know and they wouldn't have a chance to whip out a gun in a typical rape scenario its still a right for us Americans to defend ourselves.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-11-02

I live out in the country, I own a gun, I am responsible with it.

I am not necessarily against gun ownership, but I don't think obtaining one should be as easy process as it currently is in most American states.

Also, most responsible people I know who own a gun are not so vocal about "the right to own a gun", they just have one like they have any other work tool around their farms.

From my experience, people who are very vocal about "the right to own a gun" tend to be lunatic assholes who love their guns, are "proud" of them (whatever the fuck that means) and seem extremely eager to use them as often as possible. I am extremely weary and cautious about these kinds of people.

Also, this ad is stupid and funny.

baleen - 2011-11-02

I think people that care about guns are stupid. I've known too many people who have been hurt by guns.

When somebody wants to kill you you will most likely not have a chance to react unless you live in a permanent state of PTSD paranoia. After you kill a person you think is trying to hurt you, you will wonder if it was really necessary. Police consistently struggle with this issue.

Life isn't a fucking movie Cena, you dumbshit.

That being said, I don't care about gun regulations and you can shoot your gun to make yourself feel more important if that's really what gets you off.

baleen - 2011-11-02

That being said my dad once chased away a stalker who was trying to rape his friend, so he lived with her. That's a pretty rare scenario. It doesn't make up for the people I know who were murdered before they even knew what hit them.

Cena_mark - 2011-11-02

My gun is for protection from bears.

Tobster - 2011-11-02

Watch out! There's another rapist coming up behind you!

takewithfood - 2011-11-02

Beat me to it.

baleen - 2011-11-02

And by the looks of it, he's about 12 feet tall.

themilkshark - 2011-11-02

Yeah, SHE'S safe. Even surrounded by people and traffic in broad daylight she still needed a gun since people in her town ignore rape instances they witness. There's also no way in hell a bratty 10 year old will clip her ankle with his shopping cart on the way into the big box store and she mistakes the boy for a rapist and blows his sinful head off.

Real safe.

Doomstein - 2011-11-02

Unless she's in New York City, in which case they WILL ignore rape and that 10 year old kid WILL try to rape her.

Kieran27 - 2011-11-02

There's a certain low budget charm about this commercial, like it was a B movie in miniature. Why did they choose that backdrop of a typical street in broad daylight? Why is she still training her gun on the dead would be rapist? Why is she so unemotional in her speech?

That said, I worry about people like this. Don't get me wrong, I do feel women have a right to defend themselves and would never wish for a woman to be raped. But something about the way she talks makes me think she was waiting, even hoping, for a chance to shoot someone. It's the same feeling I have when I see videos of guys who insist they need to take two guns (main handgun and backup) everywhere they go. Even if it is just down to the grocery store.

Imagine it is not this girl but a man giving a speech about being mugged. You may see what I mean.

Raggamuffin - 2011-11-02

I have some gun people in my life. I can confirm to you that for these types, this kind of thing is a fantasy they live out in their heads several times a day. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been regaled by the "idealized attack" stories, wherein an anonymous assailant, who is always either unarmed, or armed in an inferior way, comes from the front and is eliminated cleanly with a gun which was readily available.

My personal favorite has always been the "Al Qaeda coming down the street with a handgun" story I heard a few times. Naturally the attacker is alone, attacking a suburban street and quickly eliminated by a now justified AR15 assault rifle at long range.

Kieran27 - 2011-11-02

Thank you for confirming my suspicions, Raggamuffin. I am surprised that many of the fantasies involve the attacker being unarmed or armed with a set of brass knuckles, rather than it being a more even handed thing. But I suppose a fair fight would lessen chances of a kill shot first try.

Why do I think some of these people would call snipers, or even someone attacking from behind, incredibly unfair and/or unrealistic?

Riskbreaker - 2011-11-02

I'm guessing you guys already checked her yt profile. She's really nuts.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-11-02

oh no!!! this is totally stimulating my fetish for raping chicks with guns!!!!

memedumpster - 2011-11-02

The older I get, the more I hate guns.

Doomstein - 2011-11-02

What's not to love about guns? Especially assault rifles. Spending money you don't have, on things you don't need, to impress people you don't know. With assault rifles it all boils down to three things.


1. You're waiting for some post apocalyptic, Turner Diaries scenario, where society breaks down and you must become the 'Warlord of Walnut Street' to protect yourself and your property against ravaging minority rape squads (the rape squads are all themed though, like in the Warriors).

2. You're a member of a clown themed minority rape squad waiting for society to break down and you can rape and murder whitey with impunity.


3. You live in Central Florida.

kingofthenothing - 2011-11-02

To my eternal shame, I live in central florida. I hate guns because I think if I'm around one long enough, the chances of me committing suicide go to about 5% per day (not cumulative, but still don't like those odds), but there are enough crazy critters at night and enough base and/or meth heads that I wonder sometimes if I need one. Then again, I look like Bigfoot so they're probably more afraid of me just as I am.

Cena_mark - 2011-11-03

Guns are awesome. What is it with people hating on guns and being a wuss?

Cena_mark - 2011-11-03

Also my gun helps make up for the fact that I watch MLP.

Pompoulus - 2011-11-02


Now is not the time.

Xenocide - 2011-11-02

Every gun nut's beliefs can be traced back to some really specific Punisher fantasy they secretly have.

mon666ster - 2011-11-02

Most days I'd rather be raped and dead.

BOOSH - 2011-11-02

The ad is put out by a Canadian gunsmith who was convicted for having multiple violations of the Canadian Firearms Act and is desperately trying to make himself into a martyr for the gun rights lobby in Canada.

Part of the issue is the anger in rural parts of Canada requiring long-gun owners to register their weapons (handguns have been subject to registration since the 1930s and are subject to severe restrictions on ownership and transport). This issue was made even worse by the fact that the gun registry program was largely regarded as extremely expensive and poorly run and was condemned as "city dwellers" , who live in gun and crime ridden hellholes, looking down on "peaceful rural gun" owners.

This in spite of the fact that most violent crimes take place in rural Canada, and a disproportionately high number of gun crimes take place outside of cities and suburbs (also, rural Canadians engaging in criminal activity are more likely to use violence against law enforcement than their city counter parts, so many police officers praised the gun registry in helping mitigate risk and determining if a firearm was in the home)

FYI, part of his conviction was for having loaded weapons on his person (illegal in Canada), improperly stored firearms (loaded guns around the house or place of business with no trigger guards) and for being in possession of firearms ready for sale with the serial numbers removed (illegal pretty much everywhere because untraceable guns generally mean you're preparing to traffic weapons for use in criminal activity)

Cherry Pop Culture - 2011-11-02

How old is this woman/girl? And I can't tell if she has an accent or slurs her speech.

Rudy - 2011-11-02

Well I don't know about the other lady, but I'm pretty sure Sarah Brady became a advocate for gun control because her husband was shot in head and permanently disabled by a gun-toting psychopath. But maybe she just likes rapists, I don't know.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-11-02

Better to be permanently disabled than RAPED!

Toenails - 2011-11-02

Dollars to doughnuts she's christian.

FreeOJ - 2011-11-02

Be prepared for that rapist around every corner

Crackersmack - 2011-11-02

I don't get all the negative emotions regarding guns. They are just inanimate objects. Shooting is a hobby that many people enjoy, and like any hobby some people take it too far or get into it for stupid reasons.

Liberal's fear of guns is the dumbest thing. Yeah, I understand that guns are usually fetishized by teabaggers and other reprehensible right-wing idiots. This doesn't change the fact that it is completey possible to enjoy shooting without it being related to abhorrant politics, or some stupid macho thing.

Kieran27 - 2011-11-02

I have to agree with you. The gun enthusiasts who enjoy dark fantasies about eagerly anticipating the perfect attack scenario are a very small percentage of overall gun owners. Target shooting is a legitimate hobby and sport.

Not owning a gun myself, can anyone tell me roughly what percentage of target shooting enthusiasts do not own guns themselves and just rent them at the range? It seems that if all you want to do is target shoot, you do not need to own a gun at all.

Crackersmack - 2011-11-02

Rental guns are usually clapped-out pieces of shit, and you are required to use the range's ammo which is often 2-3 times the actual retail cost of equivalent ammo elsewhere so it isn't a real cost-effective option. These only exist for the most casual shooters to have a thrill every few years, or for people to try out specific guns before they buy them.

There are many, many types of competitive shooting but almost all of them require extensive practice and fine-tuning with the same gun(s). Personal ownership is an absolute necessity and is totally safe when done responsibly. Modern guns are completely incapable of hurting anybody without gross misuse.

I love shooting but I fucking hate the morons it attracts, both pro and anti-gun. Luckily even at the lowest levels of competitive shooting politics don't really come up ever. If you stay away from gun shows and most gun forums you can avoid a lot of the really shitty gun enthusiasts.

American Standard - 2011-11-02

Personally speaking, I don't fear guns, or hate guns. I just think the standard conservative jerk-off fantasies about guns are bigger piles of horseshit than claims from the same people attempting to link breast cancer with abortions.

Example: Arizona has some of the laxest gun and concealed carry laws in the nation, so where was the fabled responsible gun-toting citizen strolling by to keep the peace and save the day when Gabrielle Giffords was shot? And that's only the most recent massacre to come to mind. And women aren't going to proudly gun down their attempted rapists, because their rapists are their boyfriends or platonic friends or their filthy uncle.

The gun lobby sells fairy tales.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-11-02

What's a 12 year old doing out in public with a handgun?

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