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Desc:BofA is a great company that does wonderful things for people
Tags:bank of america, gullible, bofa, corporate spin, warped reality
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Comment count is 21
Corpus Delectable - 2011-11-19

So, Bank of America is taking credit for The Projects? As in, the actual Projects?

It's like they said to themselves, "The 99% live in ghettos, right? Let's reach out to them."

Chalkdust - 2011-11-19

I feel itchy

Louis Armstrong - 2011-11-19

Brought to to you by the bail out, leveraging 33 to 1 in the stock market, tons of fees we can no longer collect for, new fees that we will!

baleen - 2011-11-19

They did fuckall for me when I lived there. 5 stars for true evil.

Fur is Murder - 2011-11-19

Comments were disabled because all of the people gushing about how fantastic Bank of America is for doing this would have just gotten kinda embarrassing after a while.

Chalkdust - 2011-11-19


baleen - 2011-11-19

The thick read line, then the tiny green nub consisting of the people at the ad agency, plus some kid who's mom works at BoA.

TheDevilsDictionary - 2011-11-19

Predicted top youtube comment:

"2 people like corporate slavery"

memedumpster - 2011-11-20

Dear time traveling Adolf Hitler, ha ha ha, should have built banks instead of bombs.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-11-20

Apparently you've never gotten me drunk/high and heard my rant about the similarities between Adolf Hitler and Walt Disney. Get me plastered and I'll also inform you that Walt Disney's rise to entertainment powerhouse coincided with his decision to leverage "Snow White" with Bank of America, giving them a majority share in the company as well as editorial fiat at a later date.

This is kind of my subject of expertise.

memedumpster - 2011-11-20

I bet we live nowhere near each other, and now I feel like I'm missing out.

Oktay - 2011-11-20

So... nobody's gonna mention Antony Sutton?

Konversekid - 2011-11-20

"I didn't have to convince anyone that this was a project worth investing in"

Cena_mark - 2011-11-20

Yeah this is totally inaccurate. Where are the Bank of America Execs eating babies?

Hooker - 2011-11-20

They probably hired someone to tell them they should cut that footage out.

baleen - 2011-11-20

Cena, I wish I had the spare cash to fly you to East New York. I know some Puerto Rican bikers from Bushwick who would LOVE to show you how wonderful BoA has been to the neighborhood.

Randroid - 2011-11-20

This has to be some really elaborate sick joke.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-11-20

This company should be wiped off the face of the earth.

Void 71 - 2011-11-20

Nobody does propaganda like Madison Avenue.

Nikon - 2011-11-20


The Mothership - 2011-11-26


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