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Comment count is 9
Meerkat - 2011-11-29


Wander - 2011-11-29

I'm still not sure if this is a porno or not.

charmlessman - 2011-11-29


memedumpster - 2011-11-29

Right when I think this is cooler than I thought it would be, it gets horribly embarrassing.

Randroid - 2011-11-29

The sound is so crappy it appears to be a cellphone ringing at 0:58, much to the bewilderment of the man in latex.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-11-29

Kate Beckensale must've had an "Underworld" garage sale.

And I'm sure the alien is just pissed the cut didn't sever its hand where the glove meets the rest of the suit; hiding seams is just so difficult...

Hank Friendly - 2011-11-29

star dolphin vs. babysan

this is a consistently entertaining film that should be watched with no less than 3 beers in the system

dek863 - 2011-11-29

So many groin shots.

smellslikefish - 2011-11-29


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