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Comment count is 12
jangbones - 2011-12-02



Jet Bin Fever - 2011-12-02

"I will hook the back."
"But I can..."
"No really, it's..."

The Mothership - 2011-12-02

I don't know; the Bra Lady was more (as THA SUGAH RAIN said) into the esoteric nature of bras and bra fitting. The Bra Lady cared more about the bras than the breasts in them. This guy may appear crass, but he likes breasts and wants them to be happy and comfortable.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-12-02

Why is he sweating? I am currently offering free bra fitting and boob assessment at my place 24/7 Day or Night. Trust me, I'm an expert.

BHWW - 2011-12-02

Call Mr. Bra, that's my name, that name again is Mr. Bra!

duck&cover - 2011-12-02

I prefer the Bra King:

When it's a bra you be needin'
There's a man you should be heedin'
Call 272-5464, BRA-KING,
Let it ring!

Koda Maja - 2011-12-02

You all mock, but Mr. Bra's family has been in the brassiere business for generations, ever since his great great grandfather Thaddeus Bra invented the garment.

baleen - 2011-12-02

I remember seeing these during bra fitting week. This guy is much more terrifying than the bossy aunt lady from Manhattan.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-12-02

"bra fitting week"!

Riskbreaker - 2011-12-02

Now i know what my future looks like.

jimmicampkin - 2011-12-03

Now I know what Chris-chan's future looks like.

jimmicampkin - 2011-12-03

Was he drooling halfway through that...?

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