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Comment count is 27
Adham Nu'man - 2011-12-06

I agree with the sentiment but this video was shit.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-12-06

Turn on captions.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-12-06

I did, some kid who has no idea what the fuck he's talking about meekly and frightenedly repeats the words some adult has told him to say. Ugly bigoted woman smiles like an ugly bigoted woman and says "bye".

Parents shouldn't use their kids like this. It's nasty to the kids and it's pretty disgustingly manipulative towards the viewer. "OOoooh loook, it's my opinion but in the mout of a little kid DAWWWWWW HOW CUTE!!1"

Louis Armstrong - 2011-12-06

Exactly. Five evil stars for dyke mom.

baleen - 2011-12-07

Yeah I think it's shitty to use children in politics.

YakooMarkTwo - 2011-12-06

Using children in politics = evil, so I almost 5 starred this just for that. But I had to subtract a couple stars because MB comes off as a kind and gentle human being here when dealing with a plant child.

chumbucket - 2011-12-06

Way to use a kid

fatatty - 2011-12-06

Yeah, as someone who was dragged out to protest planned parenthood as a small child, while not understanding it at all, I'm going to agree with the using the kid camp. This is not how you teach kids about politics.

memedumpster - 2011-12-06

Oh no, someone taught their kid a family value that didn't involve them being raised by the Internet and learning to troll retards or vote for whomever pays the most for campaign ads! CHILD ABUSE!!!

Seriously, what the fuck is a parent supposed to be for? Sure glad mine raised me to hate minorities and myself for being mixed race and gay instead of THIS BLATANT CHILD ABUSE RIGHT HERE!

My god, the kid was talking to a politician so everything they said was lies! It's a good thing he wasn't manipulated into thinking e=mc2 or saying it to Michelle Bachmann would have UNMADE THE UNIVERSE!

memedumpster - 2011-12-06

Predicted response : HURF BLURF DURRR parental sophism!

Cena_mark - 2011-12-06

Bachmann probably thinks that the kid proves her point. If that kid had straight parents he wouldn't have been talking like Fluttershy.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-12-06

Not child abuse, just a boring video of a kid parroting something the parents told it to parrot. Doing a shitty job out of that as well.

Perhaps if the kid had been marginally older and/or more confident and came up and said the words outright and loud and in a manner that led the viewer to think that perhaps at some marginal level the kid has an understanding of what he is doing/saying and we got a flabbergasted look on Bachmann's face and a crowd laughing at her in the background this might have scored better.

What we get instead is: "Oh, I will use my kid to troll Bachmann and then put the video on the internets because profit$$$! Oh shit the kid kind of got scared and chickened out and just kind of mumbled something half-assedly, damn useless kid. Well, nevermind, I'll just put captions on this because this shit so hilarious."

As I said, I approve of the sentiment, but this video fucking sucks.

fatatty - 2011-12-06

I'm all for teaching your kids about the world. Just not filling them up with talking points and shoving them into that world before they can possibly comprehend it.

Adjuvant - 2011-12-06

It's not a talking point. It's his Mom. Just a hunch, but I'm guessing he truly and personally believes his Mom doesn't fixing.

Adjuvant - 2011-12-06

** doesn't NEED fixing ** (unlike my proofreading skills)

takewithfood - 2011-12-06

I don't think that the kid is at an age where he really understands what he's saying. I agree with him, but I think he's only right because he's been told what to say. I doubt that he has come to this conclusion on his own, and I doubt that he fully understands the meaning of his words.

He probably DOESN'T think his mommy needs fixing, but that's partly because he doesn't understand what lesbianism means. If and when he does find out, I doubt it will change his mind, but until then, he doesn't really know what he's talking about.

Granted, I think that puts him on equal footing with Bachmann.

Stars for her reaction, but I really hate it when people use their kids like this.

themilkshark - 2011-12-06

This doesn't help anyone. It's a jackass stunt. The kid should have kicked Bachmann in the nuts.

memedumpster - 2011-12-06

Adham, first, judging whether or not a statement is true or not based upon its source is a logical fallacy, read a book. Second, YouTube has been used to make a shitload of change for millions that didn't involve cashing in. Your cynicism plays right into Bachmann's hands.

Fattatty, gay people don't need fixing, it's not a talking point, it's the truth. You're demonstrating that not only did your parents fail to teach you this but that you are incapable of learning the obvious on your own.

This post contains 100% fewer swear words towards both of you due to the soothing effects of Cena and Adjuvant, so thanks! The Coast Guard may have saved me from being banned.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-12-06

There are plenty of good anti-Bachmann videos on this site (many of her own doing), I expect we'll see many more. I just rate the quality of the individual video. I don't see the need for using any swear words against you as your difference in opinion is respectable. Thanks for politely calling me an ignorant moron though.

fatatty - 2011-12-06

Just because something is a talking point doesn't mean it's not true. It just means it's a sound byte ready thing you can say to a politician or journalist and avoid a more nuanced conversation on the subject.

"We need congress to pay more attention to Main St. than Wall St. during this recession" is a talking point and true.

And my parents taught me gay people didn't need fixing by accepting my brother's homosexuality and attending his wedding. A wedding at which I was his best man.

I never said I disagreed with the kid, just that I would rather he not be used for a political stunt.

Change - 2011-12-06

It is really not okay to use kids like this.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-12-06

yep. pretty terrible.

heyitslozeau - 2011-12-06

Using your children like microphones is evil.

Gojira1000 - 2011-12-06

Mom cares more for politics than her spawn. 5 for evil.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-12-06

she needs fixing.

Void 71 - 2011-12-06

Definitely needs a 'future aspie' tag.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-12-07

I can't even hear what he's saying.

And yes, if you use your kid for politics you fucking suck. No, it doesn't make you moral scum or anything, you just suck.

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