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Comment count is 17
baleen - 2011-12-07

This guys videos never cease to disgust and amaze me. I have a very jewy relationship with the process of going to the bathroom. This man's shits must be the most horrible thing in the world.

Twitch - 2011-12-07

Jewy, like you shit through a hole or have to wear a special hat or something?

crojo - 2011-12-07

I'd be willing to bet that all came right back up a minute later in one melty gelatinous mess. But either end, I'm sure it slid out like... y'know, I'm just going to stop right here before I make myself ill.

Craptabulous - 2011-12-07

...should have sent a poet.

Spit Spingola - 2011-12-07

Jesus fuck I almost barfed.

thirteen3seven - 2011-12-07

Jesus christ, me too.

memedumpster - 2011-12-07

Mike Nelson needs to stop slowly killing himself for our amusement.

Grumpwagon - 2011-12-07

It's Crisco!

Void 71 - 2011-12-07

The most disturbing thing about this video is his awkward demeanor. I suppose it shouldn't be very surprising that a guy who eats Crisco on the internet is totally lacking in self confidence, but there's something especially hollow about this one.

Ghoul - 2011-12-07

My pancreas is throbbing in pain.

themilkshark - 2011-12-07

Way to go dude.

spork865 - 2011-12-07

G'uh! No good!

It sounds relatively innocuous until you start watching... that is fuckin' FOUL.

rustedmutt - 2011-12-07

His mouth almost looks/moves like an Aardman animation character when he talks.

Minus the fucking crisco.

StanleyPain - 2011-12-07

Isn't this the guy who faked eating a thing of window caulk?

La Loco - 2011-12-07


Macho Nacho - 2011-12-08

He looks like he's made of Crisco too.

Disaster - 2011-12-08

"Hey guys, Shoenice again. So basically...."

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