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Comment count is 18
Burnov - 2011-12-15

He has good taste.

I knew there was something I liked about the guy.

Rudy - 2011-12-15

Just in case you were wondering (and I know you were), it's been recently discovered that the disgusting state of the Chandler household may have directly contributed to Chris' dad's death. I think Chris' life may have finally ramped over the amusing threshold into full-blown nightmare territory.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-12-15

I was bored and checked out the CWC wiki a few days ago . . . wow what a fucking train wreck. Bob had to be guaranteed because of bed bugs and Chris and Barb had felony charges pressed against them and are facing a civil suit. It doesn't get much more fucked than that.

Void 71 - 2011-12-15

The guy was in his 80s and sick with cancer. He lived a longer life than most people. I think people are just looking for excuses to hate Chris Chan at this point.

The civil suit angle makes it sound like it's more about money than anything else. This is the kind of thing that happens when the head of a rich dysfunctional family dies.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2011-12-15

Also Chris being forced to live in his room because of said bug infestation, like E.G. Marshall at the end of Creepshow.

Hooker - 2011-12-15

When Chris-chan is on his deathbed in his isolated shack, a nudie snowglobe is going to roll from his fingers and his lips will whisper: "The Aristocrats."

Enjoy - 2011-12-15

I'm going to tweet that, Hooker.

La Loco - 2011-12-15

Hooker, have my stars.

Repomancer - 2011-12-16

The civil suit comes from CWC intentionally hitting the proprietor of a game store with the van he was driving. He also punched a cop who tried to handcuff him. There was a hearing yesterday (12/15) but the outcome is unknown so far.

Riskbreaker - 2011-12-15

I fully agree with Harry here, Chris is far more amusing when he is left alone, to his own antics. Him living in his fantasy world, and then watching him crash every time he tried going out to the real world.

Enjoy - 2011-12-15

I'll go halfway. The stupid fake-girlfriend trolling is lame. The fake CWC who created a series of videos that ultimately lead to a kidnapping was one of the funniest things ever.

Repomancer - 2011-12-16

Liquid was hilarious.

StanleyPain - 2011-12-15

Ok wait....his dad did actually REALLY die? WTF is the story behind all of that?

themilkshark - 2011-12-15

Bob Chandler's health has been steadily deteriorating for the past couple of years. The Chandlers are hoarders, so the home is never cleaned. Years of neglect led to a severe insect infestation which put Bob in the hospital, covered in bug bites. The man was already suffering from heart troubles, so all of this caught up with him and Bob passed in September.

Of course, some on the 'net still think Chris Chan is an elaborate troll so this could all be made up. Wouldn't that be nice?

rapsnacks - 2011-12-15

Would be nice. But I lived in Charlottesville, have seen him in Wal Mart with his mom and driving his Sonichu-wagon, and can tell you it's all too real.

Repomancer - 2011-12-16

Bob died September 6 IIRC. A troll posing as a psychiatrist got Chris's pastoral counselor to open up about it; Bob was apparently covered in bug bites when admitted but it was congestive heart failure that got him.

The recording and transcript will be on CWCki soon. The editors wanted to wait until after the hearing. Whatever you think of his motives (I'm a bit squicked by the goings-on), you have to admit the troll did a magnificent job.

Burnov - 2011-12-16

That is some master sleuthing on his part.

I don't really think anyone wanted to see things get taken quite this far, but it seems inevitable now that he'll end up in a home.

I doubt he'd end up in jail.

themilkshark - 2011-12-16

I think that's what's most fascinating about Chris Chan: he would be doing all of this without anyone ever knowing of him, if it weren't for his desire to have a huge internet fanbase. 20 years ago he would be an inside joke between network techs. All I have to say is thank you, Yotutube.

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