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Comment count is 15
jangbones - 2011-12-20

If you hate yourself, read a book called "The Cleanest Race," about the propaganda of the DPRK and its relationship with the identity of the people.

Between that book and this footage I am absolutely terrified of what this absolutely insane country is capable of.

Oktay - 2011-12-20

While I agree with the insanity part, I think many of the people in this video are just trying to keep their jobs and/or stay out of prison. That, or I'm projecting.

And I do hate myself, so I'll have check out that book.

Cena_mark - 2011-12-20

I'll have to check that book out. I recommend a book called Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader.

dr_rock - 2011-12-20

These must be the 1 percenters in the country, crying because the little people might rise up. I know these are the 1% because they have coats on.

And yeah, it seems most of them are acting, probably to stay out of Siberian slave camps.

svraz - 2011-12-20

I agree with some of the things being stated of why people are so upset. Also, don't confuse what I am about to write as respect or appreciation for the dead crazy despot. That being said , I think there is also part of the North Korean psyche that viewed Kim (and the politics of Juche)as something that granted them "dignity" and "autonomy" . Remember this is a people who have been subject to all sorts of imperial occupations and war.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-12-20

Why people are so skeptical that these cries are real is beyond me. Even in a country like Iraq, many supported the regime, and Iraq wasn't nearly as "closed" as North Korea has been.
North Koreans are a people whose ONLY experience of the outside world (and hence the possibilities of lifestyles other than the one they experience) comes through the State's propaganda.
Being born in North Korea is akin to being born into a crazy religious cult, and we've all seen the powerful psychological effects of such an upbringing. The people are brainwashed, and even though they live hard lives and think things could be better, they do not blame this on Kim Jong-Il: they think Kim Jong-Il was practically God incarnate, and that he loved them very very much, even when he had to be harsh, it was for their good.
Sure, in every society there is dissent and I'm sure some of the people reject the system and couldn't give a fuck about the old bastard's death, but it makes sense that they would be a minority. If you were born in North Korea, you'd love Kim Jong too.

Gojira1000 - 2011-12-20

This - which is why the DPRK fascinates me. It's a giant Jim Jones experiment.

Cena_mark - 2011-12-20

I love news and videos about North Korea. They are the Christian Weston Chandler of nations.

oddeye - 2014-04-01

Apart from the torture and starvation.

chumbucket - 2011-12-20

That place needs more Duff Man.

StanleyPain - 2011-12-20

This video takes on new dimension when you turn on the auto captions and then turn on auto translate.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-12-25

I went from being horrified to laughter filled amusement.

Void 71 - 2011-12-20

This isn't a whole lot different than what I saw on Fox News when Ronald Reagan died.

rural - 2011-12-20

Inside an office building and can clearly see their breath.


In North Korean office buildings, it is less than 45F.

Just to be clear, that's only a few degrees above freezing.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-12-20

Elvira could cry more realistically than these people.

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