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Comment count is 18
garcet71283 - 2011-12-25

Now I understand the existential horror that birds must feel when they try to eat a moth and ask themselves "which end do I try killing?!?!"

TheQuakeSoldier - 2011-12-26

1:02.... the gremlin reveals its secret weapon.


Aelric - 2011-12-25

Why walk when you can ride?

Hank Friendly - 2011-12-25

people here like to throw out the "I made it XX seconds" thing a lot, but honestly:

36 seconds staring directly at the screen, making...eye contact. Joy to the world.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-12-26

It's been a long time since the last time I was THAT unprepared for what I was about to see.

Cena_mark - 2011-12-26

Other than the stilted performances, overbearing message, and cliched story, THIS is why I hated Avatar.

StanleyPain - 2011-12-26

Khajit has wares.....if you have coin.

Sudan no1 - 2011-12-26

Merry Trollmas, Poetv.

Prickly Pete - 2011-12-26

What it says on the tin... kinda...

memedumpster - 2011-12-26

So glad it wasn't a dude.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-12-26

I kept looking at the shoulder muscles and expecting it.

klingerbgoode - 2011-12-26

I don't remember this part of Oblivion.

CuteLucca - 2011-12-26

I can't explain why this is so disturbing, but it is.

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2011-12-26

It's actually a pretty impressive example of makeup. The eyes were perfect. They seemed to express different emotions when she moved her cheeks the right way.

Now, all that said... it was still pretty creepy, in a way.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2011-12-26

If this thing approached me, I don't think I'd be able to keep myself from punching it.

pineapplejuicer - 2011-12-26

in dating this is what is referred to as a red flag

dr_rock - 2011-12-27

For you.

subduralhematoma - 2011-12-26

my biggest nightmare...and wildest fantasy...

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