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Desc:50's quad-tracked Russian tank with UFO styling to go places other tanks couldnt, like a nuclear war
Category:Military, Educational
Tags:Nuclear Bomb, tank, ufo, tracks, object 279
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Comment count is 11
garcet71283 - 2012-01-06

The only part I could understand were the numbers.

And even those were in metric. Fuck.

fedex - 2012-01-06


Aelric - 2012-01-06

I figure it had to do with the body allowing it to push through the mud easier than the flat wall of a front most tanks of the era had.

Gojira1000 - 2012-01-06

Would have sucked half of all hull hits directly into its tracks, though, so not really a brilliant strategy

GravidWithHate - 2012-01-06

I thought the saucer shape was meant to let it survive the pressure wave from a nuclear blast, rather than worrying about shot deflection,

fedex - 2012-01-07

yes, that what it was for ostensibly

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-01-06

Man, you've got to admit, the Soviets had tractor technology down _cold_. How did we ever win the cold war with such a massive tractor gap?

dr_rock - 2012-01-06

Because Reagan was omnipotent.

Syd Midnight - 2012-01-09

We convinced them that tanks and rifles were obsolete, and the future of warfare was killer satellites, flying particle beams, x-ray lasers etc. forcing them into a war of attrition that could be won by wasting money on improbable defense programs and dead-end weapons contracts. So Reagan was the man for the job there.

memedumpster - 2012-01-06

Need one of these to go with the screwmobile.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2012-01-07

Requirements for crew:Must be small and green.

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