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Comment count is 10
Squeamish - 2012-01-11



chumbucket - 2012-01-11

next morning: "why the hell is my face all beat up? Oh yeah, I'm loved."

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-01-11

It's just two real nigas in love, baby!

dr_rock - 2012-01-11


He may have busted his face up, but possibly have saved his life in the process. I hope they remained 'real niggas' afterwards.

The Mothership - 2012-01-11

Dude you ok?

spikestoyiu - 2012-01-11

C'mon, the hand is supposed to go behind the head when applying an RNC, not on top of it. And trying to put your cap on is pretty poor defense.

-- That guy

CJH - 2012-01-11

i disagree, if i knew i was about to be taking a nap on asphalt i'd want to put my hat on too

Dynamicuno - 2012-01-11

This needs to be done to most people, drunk or not.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-01-12

This guy is a hero.

Prickly Pete - 2012-01-12

Damn, he had to check him. I have a feeling this guy solves most of his problems by punching them. And I also have a feeling it works every time.

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