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Comment count is 34
StanleyPain - 2012-01-13

I've been driving around with a missing hubcap for years. I wonder how many of these folks have made lengthy blogs/videos about me.

Triggerbaby - 2012-01-13

Oh shit guys this is a CODE MAGENTA ALERT we've totally been found out:

http://www.ripoffreport.com/work-place-bullies/www-poetv-com/w ww-poetv-com-poe-news-miss-l-0db9c.htm

Squeamish - 2012-01-13

"From ripping off a old lady apartment while 10 people stand guard at every possible angle of discovery to engaging in the mass saturation of a persons life and destroying them for profit."




Chalkdust - 2012-01-13

"What did they do to you?
AUTHOR: Leticia - anytown (U.S.A.)

SUBMITTED: Monday, October 10, 2011
I am really wondering because you have them doing something very bad to an elderly woman, but why were you involved with that? And also if you watched it happen, then why did you not intervene on behalf of the 70 year old?"

badideasinaction - 2012-01-13

Is it against prime directive to respond with increasingly absurd claims of spiritual assault and world market manipulation?

StanleyPain - 2012-01-13

You guys forgot your training, you're supposed to speak IN CODE.

Now...trampoline magnets and report to the nearest coffee scoop whorehouse discount.

BHWW - 2012-01-13

Do not worry brothers, soon the time shall come where no codes shall be neccessary.

Soon, we shall operate freely and openly. Soon.

Vaidency - 2012-01-14

I'm really looking forward to destroying this person's life. Clearly, it will yield enormous profits.

Pillager - 2012-01-14

The green monkey flys tonight.

kingarthur - 2012-01-14

I don't think the prime directive applies if they're coming here to look at our comments section. Imagine how bizarre that must be for the paranoid who does so: We're filming and commenting rudely on everyone everywhere all the time. Like POETV users are nigh-omnipotent cyber gods...

glasseye - 2012-01-14

Negative BHWW, we are not ready for PLAN OMEGA. The iron monkey has not yet flown... we must acquire the last sample from this subject!

Burnov - 2012-01-13

A little lyrical irony there?

"Only the lucky ones".

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-01-13

He claims to be shopping, but doesn't appear to actually be buy anything. And the victim here clearly is not interested in making a purchase. This Kroger is filled with people pretending to use Kroger for its intended purpose.

Corpus Delectable - 2012-01-13

They're Krogerstalkers. I'll bet all of them have missing hubcaps.

pastorofmuppets - 2012-01-13

"There were a couple people who looked like gangstalkers as well."

What is it about like 9/10 of everybody that makes them incapable of questioning their convictions? It's not just crazy people, it's everyone. I think of stupid shit too, but I consciously ask myself if there's proof, and if there's not, I move the hell on. Why is that weird?

STABFACE - 2012-01-13

See, that's why I love gangstalking videos and the targeted individuals that make them. It requires such a high degree of narcissism to believe that you are the target of an enormous, all-reaching and constant conspiracy involving hundreds of people. The sheer delusion is hilarious.

namtar - 2012-01-13

Listen crazy man, I hate to break it to you, but it looks like you're the one doing the stalking here.

Macho Nacho - 2012-01-13

I'm just gonna leave this here:
http://www.ripoffreport.com/work-place-bullies/www-poetv-com/w ww-poetv-com-poe-news-miss-l-0db9c.htm

Macho Nacho - 2012-01-13

I totally missed Triggerbaby's post, sorry man.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-01-14

Hahaha, what the fuck?

smellslikefish - 2012-01-13

Why are you stalking me? In the meantime tell me where you went to school, why you smoke, why you are at this store, and what your name is into this recording device.

Thirteen - 2012-01-13

He should have been a good sport and played along instead of freaking out and chewing his cud all bug-eyed.

sosage - 2012-01-13

I wish we could put four of these guys in one store...each one asking the other why they are stalking...video taping each other...

dr_rock - 2012-01-14

I would like to sponsor this event.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-01-13

So if enough of these people get together and start "documenting" those they think are gangstalking them... won't that make the gangstalked become the gangstalkers?

Toenails - 2012-01-13

Oh shit.

The Smiley Face Gang strikes again!

BHWW - 2012-01-13

I'm reminded of the story a cousin told me; he was the super for an apartment building and he discovered one of the long time tenants was a nutcase who went around their town with a handheld camcorder (this was during the days when VHS was still the format) recording footage of local storefronts and homes - he had shelves full of hundreds of hours of videotape recordings, as he confided to my cousin, because the town was being run by invisible vampires and he was surveilling them as they surveilled him.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-01-14

How does one surveil the invisible?

Let me guess: They showed up on VHS?

SixDigitDebt - 2012-01-14

5 stars withheld

I have no idea what this shit is. Is this person just fucking looney tunes or am I missing something?

Riskbreaker - 2012-01-14

Gangstalking videos are videos made by people who suffer from some kind of mental illness who think the goverment/NWO/illuminati-something has hired people to stalk them everywhere they go, both inside and outside their houses. These people are 100% sure all this is real and that is happening to them., so they record the "gangstalkers" that follow them in their daily lives.

spikestoyiu - 2012-01-14

Oh boy. Call out from work, wake up early, search gang stalking on YouTube, and enjoy.

Syd Midnight - 2012-01-18

Don't forget:


This is how their world works.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-01-14

"Interview With A Gang Stalker" has great potential in Hollywood.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-01-16

Aww gangstalking. I missed it a lot. I realized this the other day when I saw two gangstalking vehicles parked next to each other. My girlfriend was actually the first to notice. I'm so proud of her!

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