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Comment count is 39
Toenails - 2012-01-14


(this is a spoiler screen, as if you really needed one)


Old_Zircon - 2012-01-14

have no idea how this happened but it is the only explanation.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2012-01-14

That's it, I'm fucking done.

Pompoulus - 2012-01-14

What does one say.

What does one say to the face of evil.

Sundry - 2012-01-14

This is the worst pseudo-science cop show. Many nights of insomnia have confirmed this.

CSI Miami has lots of silly tech and instantaneous forensic tests, but you could argue that the show is near-future sci-fi.

Bones has the drama of a cutesy sitcom soap opera fanfic, a forensic procedure modelled after mythbusters (With none of the charm and a quarter of the science), the product placement subtlety of a Nascar car (Hey guys aren't you excited about AVATAR?!?! lets drive to the theater in my PRIUS.), and the dullness of a river pebble.

Five stars.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-01-14

Because it couldn't have been the USB stick the bone scan data was stored on...

smellslikefish - 2012-01-14

Really? You uh couldn't possibly think of anything else?

kingarthur - 2012-01-14

(Face palm)

Deplorable - 2012-01-14

Man that thing must be running hot if the fans turned off and it immediately burst into flames.

TheDevilsDictionary - 2012-01-14

The bursting into flames is even more ridiculous than the virus stored in the digital image of bone damage idea.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2012-01-15

They may have been running an AMD Duron processor.

Sudan no1 - 2012-01-15

They really should have consulted PoeTV for this episode.

dr_rock - 2012-01-15

Well, it must have been over 75 degrees, so just about anything would combust at that temperature.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-01-15

Either they're using Sony laptop batteries, or this is the company that will someday build every piece of computer equipment and terminal interface for Starfleet.

charmlessman - 2012-01-15

Did you SEE that amazing 3D rendering? It must have been a Cray.

EvilHomer - 2012-01-15

NO, LADY, DON'T PUT THAT OUT! That's the Fire Wall! It's trying to stop the virus! It's trying to stop it!

duck&cover - 2012-01-14

Dr Mindbender must have designed the virus.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-01-16


dr_rock - 2012-01-15

They need to create a GUI interface using Visual Basic, to see if they can track an IP address.

StanleyPain - 2012-01-15

What's extra super-sad is that the series of books this show is based on (the Bones books) are written by a forensic pathologist.

If you want to read reasonably decent CSI-style fiction written in a not-retarded way, check out the Jefferson Bass books. They lean a little towards the "THE CSI GUYS ARE THE ULTIMATE HEROES", but in a less nauseating way than this kind of TV bullshit.

Randroid - 2012-01-15

*forensic sociologist

Oktay - 2012-01-15

Ah, the good old buffer-overrun trick. Just make sure you turn off fingerd and you're set.

poorwill - 2012-01-15

I am going to be honest: I think the idea of a computer virus hidden in a pattern engraved into a physical object that can be transferred by 3D scanning is actually pretty clever, and it's actually the execution that is the problem here.
Pour all your scorn on me.

Sundry - 2012-01-15

There are so many factors that would need to be known and exactly right for this to work that the idea is as clever as flying by pulling on your bootstraps.

poorwill - 2012-01-15

I like that idea too.

Oktay - 2012-01-15

You'd need to encode your virus in your data, somehow ensure that data gets read in the order you want, and then have that data be mistaken for code. I won't list the hurdles involved but I would like to top the "pulling on your bootstraps" analogy by saying that it is as clever as trying to reach the moon by climbing a tree.

EvilHomer - 2012-01-15

What if it's a really really big tree?

Syd Midnight - 2012-01-18

Print the code out in hexidecimal so the police have to type it in like a program in an old computer magazine from the 80s, with instructions for them to rename the file YOHOHO.EXE and run it on one of their main servers with all the malware protections turned off or else it won't reveal the location of the victims and blood will be on their hands.

That's a much more clever idea because it would actually work, assuming impossibly retarded cops.

dead_cat - 2012-01-15

This show is a fucking joke.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-01-16

Tons of fat women would rent this at the video store I worked in.

I always wondered if it was good. And now I know. It isn't good. It's AMAZING.

It's good wooden acting. They might as well (takes off sunglasses) be dead.


FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2012-01-15

Oof. This is network, prime time caliber acting now?

I'd expect this in daytime soaps or for-syndication shit maybe, but wow.

jreid - 2012-01-15

They best part is how they show a gun, fully animated & firing, and the guy also says "A gunshot?" The whole thing plays out like a crime drama for preschoolers. This is what network television thinks of it's viewers.

Spit Spingola - 2012-01-15

This video gave my computer a malware virus.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-01-16

Funny, I was just watching NCIS the other day (yet another show exactly like CSI, Bones, Law & Order, etc.) and their director walked into the forensics lab to see the computer fried along with a cellphone they were trying to retrieve files off of, and they said that a virus in a text message designed to make CPUs overheat made the computer blow up.

All of the aforementioned shows are terrible when it comes to computer illiteracy spawned tech absurdity. But nothing beats CSI.

Sundry - 2012-01-16

No. Bones has the worst computer crap. I will fight you over this.

Their computer expert, the designer of a complicated holographic interface, their resident hacker and who is seen here studying the cause of bone damage using a computer program she made, is a forensic artist.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-01-14

I believe it was on a Reddit AMA where a writer for one of these shows said that the reason for such clueless computer-oriented writing started out from the producers wanting the computers to do things they really didn't do. Then it kind of became a game where the writers tried to top each other with the most outlandish fantasy-technology BS they could get past the people running the shows, since they knew about as much about computers in 2014 as a sci-fi writer in 1950 did.

It's trolling, it's stupid, and it's one of many reasons I don't watch these procedural crime dramas.

The Mothership - 2014-10-21

Huh huh huh. Bones.

The Mothership - 2014-10-21

Also stars for 'hack the gibson' tag.

That guy - 2015-01-14

I'm trying to imagine the buffer overflow that comes in the middle of an enormous scan file.

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