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Comment count is 18
Corpus Delectable - 2012-01-28

Little do libertarians realize that this is the first thing to ever come along that has made me want to keep the TSA around.

Any organization that limits the movement of Rand Paul can't be all bad.

Pillager - 2012-01-29

I'm the opposite. I loathe Rand as much as the next guy. However, the TSA is a sad joke. It doesn't stop terrorism & conditions us to accept more & more civil rights erosions.

Broken clock, right twice a day.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2012-01-29

What really gets me about all this TSA outrage is that, for the most part, the most outraged people against it would be perfectly okay and even downright encouraging if only muslamic-lookin-folks were subjected to this additional security attention. All the talk about "civil rights" is just cheap window-dressing to some down and dirty racism.

The whole thing reeks of just being totally aghast that white people are being frisked at airports.

Koda Maja - 2012-01-29

You're absolutely right, Shanghai. This includes Rand Paul himself who I saw on CNN shortly after this incident.

"We've gone too far, and we're not using our brain or common sense to say who attacked us, why did they attack us, and where do they come from? Let's use some common sense and figure out who are the people that want to attack us."


Cena_mark - 2012-01-28

I love when they say "I'm never flying again." So you're going to give up the wonders of air travel just cause you're scared some TSA agent is going to grab your balls.

memedumpster - 2012-01-29

I did. Until those people die in a fire I'm a confirmed ground traveler. It's called having standards. I also love that all it took was Rand Paul having a bad experience for poeTV to suddenly think the TSA is candy glitter from Jesus's asshole.

Cena_mark - 2012-01-29

Its kind of annoying yes. There have been problems with TSA agents but a little groping is worth being able t go from NY to LA in 4 hours.

TeenerTot - 2012-01-30

If I have to travel by air, I EXPECT a good groping.

badideasinaction - 2012-01-28

Remember, the government has absolutely no place intruding on your body, provided you're not a woman seeking an abortion, in which case they should have 100% authority to stop you.

spikestoyiu - 2012-01-28

Well, abortions are just another consumer product -- just like lightbulbs -- according to Rand. Also, his name is Rand.

stage - 2012-01-28

Your comparison is unfair as the opposition to abortion is based on protecting a fetus from death, and preventing an abortion does not intrude on any womans body unless you consider pregnancy itself as the intrusion.

Cena_mark - 2012-01-29

He wasn't named after Ayn Rand. Rand is short for Randal.

spikestoyiu - 2012-01-29

His name is Rand.

Riskbreaker - 2012-01-29

Pop a boner like a boss.

Bort - 2012-01-29

Rand Paul, of all people. I wonder if this is related to the overall anti-union theme the Republicans have been pushing for the past couple years:

http://exiledonline.com/did-you-fall-for-it-americas-outrage-o ver-tsa-porn-scanners-was-right-wing-pr-to-prevent-workers-from-un ionizing/

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-01-29

I fly all the time and have yet to be groped by a TSA agent. The most annoying part of security is taking off and then putting back on my belt and shoes. I don't know where these lunatics are or what they are doing to get frisked, but 100% of the time I just walk through some scanner and go on with my life. If some security guy wants to make sure I don't a have bomb in my pants before I ride a flying chair into the atmosphere, then fine, whatever.

spikestoyiu - 2012-01-30

I fly internationally pretty often, and I've been frisked a few times. I also have a huge beard, so I blame it on that. It's never been anything other than a very minor, occasionally humorous disturbance. If it helps keep everyone safe, okay, no problem. I guess the rub here is that, statistically, the TSA is just not all that great at their job.

I was coming back home from Thailand in November and a surly, asshole agent pulled me and my buddies aside and gave us the business, eventually marking us for enhanced security. But the agents who searched our shit were the nicest dudes ever. The second they saw all of our kickboxing gear, they lit up. As for the search itself, he basically stuck a hand into my suitcase, wiggled it around a bit and sent us on our way.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-01-30

The only thing worse than stupid annotations is forced, un-turnoffable stupid annotations.

I'm sitting here snickering like a giddy school girl at the fact that I fly all the time and have never once been frisked but Rand Paul has.

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