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Comment count is 15
Riskbreaker - 2012-01-27

Surprisingly enough, not a single tiger, bear, or other wild animal in any of those cars.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-01-27

"Look, that guy has a camera! Hand me that gun!"

duck&cover - 2012-01-27

Right of way decided by trial by combat.

Anaxagoras - 2012-01-27

Here you go.

Ursa_minor - 2012-01-27

Jesus fucking christ.

jangbones - 2012-01-27

a level of shooting somewhere between Los Angeles and San Andreas

poorwill - 2012-01-27

it is a wedding procession. and there is a tradition: the most respected and close friend will be driving just after the groom's limo. the white car (which was hit) wasn't groom's close friend but he still wanted to drive after limo, not giving the way to others. toyota land cruiser is groom's close friend and he just hit the white car so that he won't obstruct
rasputnique 21 hours ago

Oktay - 2012-01-27

I knew that there was a logical explanation!

chumbucket - 2012-01-27

Awww damn, that killed the wonderful yet somehow distressing fantasy here of this being a typical lunchtime commute!

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-01-27

It's a total mystery to me why wedding parties keep getting attacked by NATO forces.

jreid - 2012-01-27

Surveillance UAV 227 under fire, sir. Request further orders.

That's a go, alpha bravo, you're clear to return fire.

VoilaIntruder - 2012-01-27

We've identified the bogey as an Iraqi fighter jet, firing first sidewinder missile.

Ghoul - 2012-01-27

Just a typical day in Chechnya.

jimmicampkin - 2012-01-27

Just a typical day in San Andreas. I was having XBOX flashbacks.

sosage - 2012-01-27

Finally a new sequel to Mad Max

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