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Comment count is 20
Squeamish - 2012-01-30

When a puppet's making fun of your news company, you knoq you have problems.

namtar - 2012-01-30

I think if Muppets replaced even a small percentage of "news" program talking heads, the world would be a better place.

Riskbreaker - 2012-01-30

Anyone can make fun of Fox News, they are the furries of tv news.

SolRo - 2012-01-30

that's a terrible thing to say about furries

jangbones - 2012-01-30


I love absurdity but we're through the looking glass

Vaidency - 2012-01-30

Yeah, Fox's only possible option here is to ignore this and pretend it never happened. If they are actually goaded into a response, it's going to be one of the most undignified acts in the history of journalism.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-01-30

What's so strange about a Punch and Judy show. One puppet attacks another, and we all laugh. Yes?

SixDigitDebt - 2012-01-30

Because Fox would ever be incapable of an undignified act.

Also, Muppets.

fatatty - 2012-01-31

What does any of this have to do with journalism?

SolRo - 2012-01-31

It has muppets and fox news, so journalism isnt involved in any way.

Pillager - 2012-01-31

Reality has a muppet bias.

Rudy - 2012-01-31

Video-submitter synchronicity.

RocketBlender - 2012-01-31

I kind of wish it was a pastorofmuppets submission.

Oktay - 2012-01-31

Victoria Jackson is unusually coherent in this video.

Stopheles - 2012-01-31

Per te.

citrusmirakel - 2012-02-02

5 isn't enough.

MC Scared of Bees - 2012-02-04

Okay, yeah, me too.

RocketBlender - 2012-01-31

Oh God I hope Fox responds.

Also Muppets.

mashedtater - 2012-01-31

omg yes

dead_cat - 2012-02-02

If Fox doesn't respond, I'm gonna be stuck here with my funnybone all blueballed.

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