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Comment count is 12
MC Scared of Bees - 2012-02-08

There was no need for a third round. The Gandalf part and pretty much the entirety of round two... Damn. Although I gotta give props for the Samuel Pepys line.

The Mothership - 2012-02-09

Oh, the rowin' & Germany let the Euro in bit was pretty good, but yea, this kid was owned from the get go.

EvilHomer - 2012-02-09

The kid was pretty good, and against any of his chav friends he'd probably be a king, but wow. Even the second round was unnecessary. Appreciated, but unnecessary.

MC Scared of Bees - 2012-02-09

Good point, Mothership, about the Euro line. The kid definitely knows his stuff, and blahblahwhatEvilHomersaid.

If you noticed that Mark Grist had a record of 1W 0L, here's his previous win: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WhVI9wksbo The third round, the "vowel" round, is amazing.

blue vein steel - 2012-02-08

i was hoping for Blizzard Man, but pretty good watching the kid get crushed

Cheese - 2012-02-08

One black guy and a minute of opening credits.

EvilHomer - 2012-02-09


And this is Britain. There ARE no black chavs in Britain.

Syd Midnight - 2012-02-12

I think it's kinda like rock, where the whites in America steal music from blacks, then Brits actually make something unique out of it. Not to oversell it or anything, but it's more culturally honest than a bunch of white guys singing Muddy Waters songs.

Snakeweapon - 2012-02-08

The feelgood rap battle of the year!

Snakeweapon - 2012-02-08

p.s. Better teachers tag?

Koda Maja - 2012-02-10


Cube - 2012-02-09

A minute of logos? That's a quality YouTube video.

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