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Comment count is 9
kingarthur - 2012-02-06

Your buddy's a little eager to cleanse the world of sin there, Solomon Kane.

sosage - 2012-02-06


Jet Bin Fever - 2012-02-06

The gut tells me that when he says something is butter smooth, he's speaking as an expert.

exy - 2012-02-06

:39 -- you're telling me this isn't Rob Reiner?

Crackersmack - 2012-02-06

I don't watch this show because the one episode I saw was so fake that it might as well have been a sitcom, but I just wanted to point out that this guy is not necessarily an actual preacher.

"Cowboy action shooting" is a type of serious competitive shooting that is also an odd form of cosplay. People invest thousands upon thousands of dollars in their guns and costumes, and sometimes even develop entire characters to role-play in competition. That is probably the situation with this guy.

The guns can be anything from bone stock Ruger Vaqueros to crazy custom guns that cost more than a decent car. They also shoot rifles, shotguns, and from horseback, all with (relatively) period correct guns and costumes. There are a lot of shooters with a very high level of skill that compete in this discipline.

It is so incredibly dorky but also waaaaaay too much fun. CAS is one of the only shooting sports that is also a lot of fun to watch, especially when there are really good shooters competing.

kingarthur - 2012-02-07

Soooooo, someone armed the dorks in the SCA is what you're saying?

Syd Midnight - 2012-02-08

I bet a lot of them are Civil War re-enactment veterans, trying to escape the nightmares of military cosplay and make a fresh start Out West, in new fandom.

Crackersmack - 2012-02-08

Imagine if SCA was 85% fat D&D nerds and 15% people that are serious competitive Olympic fencers. That's pretty much what CAS is.

Oktay - 2012-02-06

"... but luckily, he had already signed the release, so nothing went wrong that day."

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