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Comment count is 23
Crackersmack - 2012-02-14

That was actually fairly funny, but kind of felt like a Mitch Hedberg impression at times.

jangbones - 2012-02-14

needs work

memedumpster - 2012-02-14

Needs "also my balls are huge" tag.

Maggot Brain - 2012-02-14

You're Chis Rex?

I didn't watch the whole video but I support this site being used this way.

the_slurb - 2012-02-15


fatatty - 2012-02-15

Self inflicted public humiliation?

CJH - 2012-02-14


just kidding i didn't watch it

spikestoyiu - 2012-02-14

I made it forty seconds.

TheMarsTravolta - 2012-02-14

Keep it up, and listen to Marc Maron's WTF.

RocketBlender - 2012-02-14

Good or bad, I've got to give you credit; I hate being the focus of a crowd's attention/judgement. I couldn't get up front of a group of strangers, let alone upload the results to a forum I frequent.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-02-14

Started out pretty rocky but got a lot better. I think you could benefit from a semi-consistent narrative rather than just bouncing around like Family Guy (sorry!) You have some good one liners, but it'd be nice to tie it together a little better.
I don't fault you for doing stand up, filming it, and posting it here. But damn, it's like throwing a bucket of chum to the sharks. They'll eat you alive boy!

Cena_mark - 2012-02-14

If anything you need to work on your stage presence. You're looking too shy and you need to use more body language. Most stand ups are very animated, you're shoe gazing.

blood_visions - 2012-02-15

I haven't been doing it long. I am trying to work on developing my stage personality

poorwill - 2012-02-14

Balls or lack of shame?

That guy - 2012-02-15

Balls to post.
Better than me.
Also, almost no one who does stand-up right now, 2012 is funny, really.
Oswalt, CK, Ansari, who else?

That said, not funny.

Made it 1:01 in. Horrible first minute. I don't care what you say after that.

Hipness unto death.

Gmork - 2012-02-15

gaffigan, byrne, NOT BO BURNHAM

badideasinaction - 2012-02-14

Brave of you to post up. Some thoughts:

If you want to go non sequitr you've gotta have a demeanor that works with it. Right now it sounds like you're reading different jokes off a list, because, well, you are. The "random shifting narrative" style has been used to great effect, it just takes a style that makes it seem less like you only have random jokes, and more like there's a method to the random. Usually this works with an exaggerated persona - think Emo Phillips, Steven Wright etc. for comics who managed to make a shtick out of one-liners. "Ordinary guy on stage" doesn't really work with it. That or you have to tie it together.

At the mark where you were like "okay, time for one more" you should have cut your losses with the last laugh you had and given your thank-yous. Leave 'em laughing.

The Mothership - 2012-02-15

some solid jokes actually. weak openers, good middle, got on a bit of a roll with the hot 97 bit and after. but man your delivery needs a lot of work. Slow down, enunciate, don't laugh at your own jokes, and generate a style that accompanies your humor. go the deadpan route and that shit would be way funnier.

blood_visions - 2012-02-15

i've tried to be more deadpan and I feel like it makes me sound depressed. Might just be my voice though

TheSupafly - 2012-02-15

I wasn't into it, but don't be shy about posting more.

chumbucket - 2012-02-15

I like some of the bizarre angle of some of the jokes (they had me laughing)...kind of like what Steve Wright does well. I'm not gonna hate because I can NEVER do this kind of thing without peeing my pants on stage. (which might get the only laughs)

themilkshark - 2012-02-15

Keep working on it

bopeton - 2012-02-15

Well to be fair, this is the funniest thing that has happened in Memphis pretty much ever.

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