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Comment count is 9
cognitivedissonance - 2012-03-08

Thin broth, indeed.


Old_Zircon - 2012-03-08

The instrument was recreated using squeaky toys by Henry Dagg for a garden party held at Clarence House in 2010 by Prince Charles to support his Start initiative for sustainable living. The tune "Over the Rainbow" was played and caused great amusement.

Cube - 2012-03-08

At least they let him play through the whole song, unlike the mouse organ guy.

White Trash Party - 2012-03-08

Takes a special kind of person to do this. I'm just glad they are the kind of person that also films it for the rest of us.

dek863 - 2012-03-08

The cat organ is serious business.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-03-08

An improvement on the previous version where you had to stick your finger up their butthole.

dementomstie - 2012-03-08

This is exactly what I thought of when I read "Cat Organ". It took me thinking about it to realize that there could be another meaning to it.

hammsangwich - 2012-03-08

I thought it was going to be a creepy British cat playing the organ. Cat dick never crossed my mind.

chumbucket - 2012-03-09

play us out cat squeezing guy

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