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Comment count is 21
misterbuns - 2012-03-13

GOP primary tag is missing

sosage - 2012-03-13

How about just "GOP"

pressed peanut sweepings - 2012-03-13

Not expected. Wow.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-03-13

Libertarian Bison

Cena_mark - 2012-03-13

That isn't how libertarianism works.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-03-13

Libertarianism doesn't work.

Triggerbaby - 2012-03-13

It works really well if you're rich.

Konversekid - 2012-03-13

The douchebag bison and the wolves just made a mutually beneficial business agreement.

Also stars for Caminante

EvilHomer - 2012-03-13

But the business agreement involved the use of coercive force, for collective gain. The bison who got eaten should have been consulted first, and given a profit-sharing option, but instead he was senselessly sacrificed by an overly-entitled bison who believed that covert aggression was a valid method of redistributing life. Thrown into the gaping jaws of the proletariat, all to save the skins of "the many".

He's a socialist bison.

Cena_mark - 2012-03-13

All I'm saying is that somehow the Randroids took over the libertarian name and have given us the image that libertarian means being selfish assholes. I just want my government a little smaller and less intrusive that's all.

EvilHomer - 2012-03-13

The irony is that Ayn Rand hated libertarians more than she hated communists.

memedumpster - 2012-03-13

Patriot bison. That bison was old, unpopular, and hung around too long, dragging down the future of its own offspring, as well as the rest of the young in the herd. That bison was voted out six wolves to one.

FABIO - 2012-03-13

You know, there's probably a reason we haven't seen TRUE libertarianism yet.

Shoebox Joe - 2012-03-13

FABIO, find a commune of squatters in a derelict warehouse. There you go.

Shoebox Joe - 2012-03-13

Wait, I should change that. Find a commune of rapist beatniks living in a community college room.

Bort - 2012-03-14

I could have sworn we used to live in the Libertarian utopia of the Industrial Revolution. We came to realize it sucked for 99% of the people, and vowed never to go there again.

Binro the Heretic - 2012-03-13

You don't have to be faster than the predators. You just have to be faster than the fat kid.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2012-03-13

I always make sure I'm not the slowest person in a group...

Also props to that user name, I just recently caught the Dr. Who episode that character was featured in.

Sphinx - 2012-03-13

How would you know? Do you demand a 50 meter sprinting contest before going out with people?

hammsangwich - 2012-03-13

Usually you can gauge someone's speed by, you know, girth.

Simillion - 2012-03-14

Crimson Hyper-Sloth though he may be, he makes sure only to go out with at least one fatter sloth around.

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