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Comment count is 7
Ursa_minor - 2012-04-10

"Strictly Pizza"

memedumpster - 2012-04-11

This has "make me a billion dollars on iPhone" written all over it.

Enjoy - 2012-04-11

The problem is that he doesn't know structured programming so his game already maxes out a PCs capabilities. He mentions the performance issue in earlier videos. I'd be surprised if his game is under 300,000 lines of code.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2014-08-26

Really? According to his website he wrote it in C, which is a structured language. Also on the website he says the framerate on a crappy old pentium 4 is 200 to 300 fps

Riskbreaker - 2012-04-11

This game will break space and time.

Pompoulus - 2012-04-11

This game can't hold many more booths without there being Serious Reprocussions

Rudy - 2012-04-11

It has it's own economy.

He's put more planning into this level than most actual carnival managers do.

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