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Comment count is 23
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-04-16

Props for the engine and tool noise, that was grade A. Loses points for the lack of "HEY JERRY WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HEX WRENCH?"

mouser - 2012-04-16

LOL! That bird is now defective.

The Mothership - 2012-04-16

All it's missing is a 'hey sweetheart, give us a smile!'

Hooker - 2012-04-16

Police Aviary

That guy - 2012-04-16

Police Aviary 2: Imitazers

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-04-16

Okay who didn't change the batteries on the Lyrebird?

Riskbreaker - 2012-04-16

I'm sure other animals around the area hate him.

fedex - 2012-04-16

^^^^^ this

chumbucket - 2012-04-16

LOL yes, show off

kingofthenothing - 2012-04-16

Holy shit. The "Hey, howya doin'?" damn near gave me a heart attack.

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2012-04-16

Needs 'better animals' tag.

Triggerbaby - 2012-04-17


TimidAres - 2012-04-16

I just want to sit this thing inside a room and play classic rock guitar solos on a 6 hour loop and see what it picks up

kingofthenothing - 2012-04-17

TimidAres for PREZ 2016.

Kumquatxop - 2012-04-23

100 years from now the only bird on the planet will be the Dio Lyrebird, the other species all extinct due to having their faces melted off.

B. Weed - 2012-04-17

At around 3:30 it sounds like he's imitating one of the workers whistling.

poorwill - 2012-04-17

You laugh, but those are the sounds of its native habitat being destroyed :(

Triggerbaby - 2012-04-17

He lives in a zoo.

poorwill - 2012-04-17


NineEleven - 2012-04-17

He's imitating the sounds the ear mites make

craptacular - 2012-04-17

everything seems to come down to earmites.

Pompoulus - 2012-04-18

What is the point of calling if nobody can tell it's you?

dr_rock - 2012-04-19

5 stars for the kookaburra.

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