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Comment count is 26
SolRo - 2012-04-18

If it's steampunk Thief, I'm curious.

If it's steampunk Bioshock...it's Bioshock.

If it's steampunk Deus Ex...it's Bioshock.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2012-04-18

I think deus ex was very different to bioshock. Bioshock was more of a doom clone with many powers and such, pretty much everything was an enemy who would attack you on sight.
Deus ex is about having conversations and reading little excerpts of nietzsche and exploring and finding non-violent solutions to things.

jimmicampkin - 2012-04-18

Don't forget Mirrors Edge; unless the running across the rooftop bit was just cinematics.

Sod it, there's nothing to be learned from that trailer except the unwelcome return of bullet-time and it's being made by Bethesda, which means the initial release will have more bugs than the insect house.

sosage - 2012-04-18

Bioshock LJ Beard-o Rant:

Doom I guess, but it was trying to ctrl-v System Shock 2 (which is why we were originally supposed to be excited about it). The System Shock 2 gameplay was excellent, but in an era where enemies typically attacked on sight. Which might be why it is "Doom like" to you.

Anyways...Bioshock fucked that up as well by allowing the player to max out every power by the time you're near the end. Part of why System Shock 2 was the shit is because you ultimately had to choose either to specialize one of three types of powers (GunsNphysical/Psi/Hacker) or try to be a mediocre jack-of-all-trades. Obstacles were set up to be solved in multiple ways and you couldn't open or reveal everything in the game because some locker requires bad ass Hacker skills and you went Guns...or something requires Psi to move and you decided to be a Hacker. Etc. SS2 became even better when someone mod'd it for 3 player co-op where everyone specialized in one thing and worked as a team. But anyways...

Bioshock is a nice game, but it feels like it could have been fantastic if it didn't go the easy route with that aspect of the design. Maybe they did in Bioshock 2? I dunno...after 1 I didn't really find the time for 2.

Scratching beard.

Vesuvius - 2012-04-18

That's not why Bioshock was ass. Bioshock was ass because it was very nearly linear and had almost nothing of interest to be discovered through secrets or exploration. All of your rewards are weapons, you go in a straight path and the world is only interactive when it comes to vending machines. Bah. Such a crap game.

This on the other hand is from Arkane, who have made some interesting things, and looks to be steampunk HITMAN more than anything else, so color me curious.

sosage - 2012-04-18

Both of our gripes are valid. The perks leveling just irked me more than the linear level/mission designs.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2012-04-18

Honestly I'd rather be overpowered than be like System Shock 2 where the game become unbeatable unless you stick to 3 specific builds.

FABIO - 2012-04-19

Bioshock was blah because they let you become a powerhouse - unlike SS2 - but kept the enemy flow from SS2, which was a steady trickle of one or two enemies at a time. They did this in SS2 because your character was incompetent and had paper weapons. In Bioshock it was just dull.

Plus the whole Doom 3 syndrome: too shrink wrapped and too dark.

(and the fact that the amusing libertarian satire didn't quite fit with the grim dark horror theme)

takewithfood - 2012-04-18

I think the point at which I mostly lost interest in video games was around the same time that the gaming community stopped questioning the release of game trailers that feature zero actual gameplay.

SolRo - 2012-04-18


fatatty - 2012-04-18

Actually it seems like the actual hardcore gaming community questions them all time. I've read countless game magazine articles, blog posts and comment section rants about how sick we all are of being lied to with cinematic trailers.

Either the game publishers don't give a shit or they just work really well on the less beardy game players who don't know a Kotaku from an IGN.

blue vein steel - 2012-04-18

looks like it's gonna be a Final Fantasy FPS

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-04-18

Did someone vandalize Wikipedia, or is the protagonist of the game really named "Corndog"?

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-04-18

If there was ever a game that made the case for the "Don't get excited for a game based on a FMV trailer with zero in-game footage, regardless of how well made" crowd, it's that one.

fatatty - 2012-04-18

Yes, it was vandalized. His name is Corvo. But it will forever be Corndog in my heart.

RocketBlender - 2012-04-18

Your description alone sounds awesome.

sosage - 2012-04-18

Dead Island

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-04-18

If there was ever a game that made the case for the "Don't get excited for a game based on a FMV trailer with zero in-game footage, regardless of how well made" crowd, it's that one.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-04-18

I think that orgy included some genetic material from Assassin's Creed, too.

I'm grooving on the machine designs, but the rest just looks so boring and derivative.

deadpan - 2012-04-18

I thought the police vans looked a lot like the ones used by the Combine in Half Life 2, and went on to discover that the guy who designed those left Valve to work on this game.

StanleyPain - 2012-04-18

I'm giving it an honest chance since it's from Arkane Studios, which is basically some of ex-Looking Glass people who worked on System Shock, Thief, and Ultima Underworld. They also made Arx Fatalis (which was originally going to be Ultima Underworld 3). They also contributed to Bioshock 2 which, in my opinion, was a much better game than the first one.

BHWW - 2012-04-18

Hey, the Zybourne Clock's looking great.

Meerkat - 2012-04-18

OK there's no way in hell my rig is gonna run that.

poorwill - 2012-04-18

Looks like a pile 'o poo. Why is this here?

Wander - 2012-04-19

The game could be good. This trailer is boring marketing fluff.

Merzbau - 2012-04-20

The designs are gorgeous (well, mostly; the protagonist's weird luchador mask is a bit crap, but the police coaches on rails and the Prussian-looking guard uniforms are great), and what I've heard from the devs has me cautiously excited, but that voice acting is fucking terrible.

Also, you're all wrong, his name is clearly Cornboat.

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