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Comment count is 37
Killer Joe - 2007-01-03

I dunno if he's whistling or it some weird harmonic thing, but it's neat as hell

Syd Midnight - 2009-09-25

No, he's singing 2-3 notes at once. Seriously. That's why mongolian throat singing is so awesome.

Gamara II - 2007-01-04

I want to give this a million stars. Holy shit.

ebola - 2007-01-04

Tuvan throat singing. It is hard to do.

hornung - 2007-01-04

check out "huun huur tu" for poppy tuvan throat recordings

NoCode - 2007-01-04

I went to an art high school where we were supposed to learn to do this. None of us could.

Afgh - 2007-01-05

oh hell yeah

Billy Buttsex - 2007-01-06

need... more... STARS!!!!

Syd Midnight - 2007-01-09

He ain't whistling. These dudes can sing like 5 notes at ones, and look good doing it. YAT KAH!

Vicious - 2008-01-13

Somebody's playing a pan flute.

Syd Midnight - 2008-06-03

Are you kidding? This is all live. That's why Mongolian throat singing rocks.

Frostilicus - 2007-01-13

They might be giants

athodyd - 2007-01-14


Caminante - 2007-02-13


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-03-18


SecretJunk - 2007-04-01

4 packets of Double Happiness a day does that to your voice

Bone_Vulture - 2007-04-06


tamago - 2007-05-12

Impressive, to say the least.

ashtar. - 2007-05-27

These dudes need to be fronting a death metal band.

Anti-Pope - 2008-03-09

Attila the vocalist for Mayhem, Aborym with appearances on Anaal Nathrakh albums among other things was trained in this and opera.

doc duodenum - 2007-05-28

You can get that nice scratch after a few years of Pall Malls.

bopeton - 2007-07-15

I want a CD of this.

bakune young - 2007-07-18


KillerGazebo - 2007-08-16


Meerkat - 2007-08-12

Tuvan Throat Singers show up at the Winnipeg Folk Festival pretty much every year, they are awesome. The first time you see this it totally blows you away.

LetsFistAgain - 2007-08-28

Mongolia is the greatest country in the world

doc duodenum - 2007-12-31

Okay I learned from the YouTube comments that they're lipsyncing. Fuck it I am dumb for not realizing that.

petep - 2008-08-22

you should never try to learn anything from youtube comments.

Squeamish - 2008-01-08

Imagine this being sung by a pair of giant muscled guys in hairy leathers, beards, and swords. Now multiply those two guys by twenty.

Now you understand the awesomeness of a Mongolian horde.

petep - 2008-08-22

Imagine that being sung by two filthy teenagers next to a frozen river and it's even better

oogaBooga - 2008-05-31

I fucking broke down when the second guy entered.
Is that all he does?

Rev. Blackson Pollock - 2009-11-24

oogaBooga that's all he needs to do.

Rape Van Winkle - 2009-12-09

I thought he was a woman. I was going to fuck him.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2010-01-21

I thought he was a woman. Now I can totally get fucked by him.

Robin Kestrel - 2008-07-28

Kongar-ol Ondar is impressive. Here he is on Letterman, doing what sounds like the same song here...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVyyhHFKI8E&mode=related&search =

oogaBooga - 2008-09-04

The guy on the left - i just figured out what he sounds like -

One long burp through a digiridoo! Nailed it.

Pillager - 2008-09-28


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