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Comment count is 15
themilkshark - 2012-05-04

(pause to burp mid-verse)

The Townleybomb - 2012-05-04

Whatever, hater. Nicki Minaj does the exact same thing!

American Standard - 2012-05-04




Pillager - 2012-05-04

All the better to give you toe-curling blow jobs with, my dear.

pineapplejuicer - 2012-05-04

people who refer to obesity as an "epidemic": fuck you. obesity is a series of poor decisions that ultimately leads to this.

Ghoul - 2012-05-04

Obesity is a state of mind.

almo - 2012-05-04


Blue - 2012-05-04

It's an epidemic of deliciousness. Seriously, though, about half of us are overweight. You can't blame people for being in the bottom 50%. There will always be people that put themselves in the fattest 3%, but we've got problems way bigger than a few people that can't control themselves. Everybody is getting fatter, not just fat people. That's what they are talking about when they refer to the obesity epidemic.

Jericho - 2012-05-04

I know an obese "body positivity" person who is supposedly very positive about her self image (Why you would be positive about being overweight, I do not know) but makes a bunch of tumblr posts about horrid dietary choices and complaining about how fat and unattractive she is and how hard it is to work out as an unemployed women's studies major (?????) which garners a lot of cries of "you're beautiful!!!" from the hugbox that is the blagosphere. It's seriously hard to not tell her to just get some fucking willpower but I would end up having to burn a lot of bridges.

pastorofmuppets - 2012-05-04


Pope Caius - 2012-05-04

If you let an obese person bite you, you turn into one. I've seen it happen.

memedumpster - 2012-05-04

The bottom 50% is necessary to keep the top from tipping over.

spikestoyiu - 2012-05-04

I'll never understand why even the most attractive people do shit like this.

ADnova - 2012-05-04

I knew there was "too fat to see your feet" fat, but now I know that there's "too fat to open your eyes" fat.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-05-05

I think the Oompa Loompas need to get this one to the juicing room fast before she explodes.

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