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Comment count is 20
Old_Zircon - 2012-05-19

Compiled by Patrick Bateman.

TeenerTot - 2012-05-19

I'd blare this CD in my car, just to stick it to the man!!

But seriously, I would buy this CD today. That's how lame I am.

Scynne - 2012-05-20

That girl sure had some great lines.

Rudy - 2012-05-21


Candlejackv616 - 2012-05-19

why is Jeff Hardy dressed like a caricature of a metal head and yet calling himself punk?

MongoMcMichael - 2012-05-19

That's not fair. This guy could promo circles around Jeff Hardy.

Billy the Poet - 2012-05-19

'Is one's fer da punks!

poorwill - 2012-05-19

I was thinking that, yeah, I guess I could see how a retard would think this could pass as punk - then Crowded House came on.

StanleyPain - 2012-05-19

There is NO way this commercial was made in the 90s. This is so 80s it hurts.

Crunchy Frog - 2012-05-19

The song "So Alive" by Love and Rockets was in the charts in the second half of 1989. So this pretty much has to be from after the 80s.

Which means that this ad is actually so *retro*-80s it huts.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2012-05-19

This must of confused a few young kids looking to get into music.

joelkazoo - 2012-05-19

I hate it when people bitch that such-and-such is not punk, but DUDE! This is NOT punk!

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2012-05-19

Hey! Warner Music obviously doesn't care about what it includes in its punk compilation! That's punk as fuck!

joelkazoo - 2012-05-20

Point Taken!

subduralhematoma - 2012-05-19

those Troll Dolls have the worst taste in music

garcet71283 - 2012-05-20

For the first 10 years of my life, these commercials were pretty much my exposure to music before 1990...

bongoprophet - 2012-05-20

well I guess you could arguably call Billy Idol kinda almost punkish looking

fedex - 2012-05-20

Love and Rockets != punk

nor does anything else in this wretched fantasy

cognitivedissonance - 2012-05-20

The irony is that it actually is a pretty good selection if you were really into 80s post-modern irony New Wave synthpop, labeling it "punk" is the most 80s post-modern irony New Wave synthpop thing you can do.

themilkshark - 2012-06-15

This made me lol

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