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Comment count is 15
Scynne - 2012-06-23

The anniversary was on May 11th? That was my birthday! This is hands down the best present I got (although you were a bit late delivering it to me, joelkazoo)

chairsforcheap - 2012-06-23

Wow this guy is just getting better

Quad9Damage - 2012-06-23

# 49 is a hentai game, right? And judging by the nursery music, a very creepy one...

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2012-06-23


Quad9Damage - 2012-06-23

Wow... it just keeps going and going and fucking going. For THREE minutes. SO easy to take that out of context when it's audio-only.

SolRo - 2012-06-23

19 then 17, 49, 27, 22

takewithfood - 2012-06-23

Pure talent. I can't decide which one is my favourite, and keep changing my mind. I think I have it narrowed down to about 36.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-23


StanleyPain - 2012-06-23

There's way better characters to pick from Skyrim than Mia'q, who is awesome.

Aelric - 2012-06-24

Yeah, Mia'q is awesome as a throw away character, even if he does have the generic catman voice.

jreid - 2012-06-23

I was all ready to hate him right until he started doing the face acting.

Also Chaos Wars sounds painfully bad.

Kid Fenris - 2012-06-23

If I remember right, Sony wouldn't let the publisher release Chaos Wars with just the Japanese voice track. They had to have English voice acting as well, so they threw it together with a cast pulled mostly from the CEO's own family.

Hooker - 2012-06-24


bluiker - 2012-06-24


oddeye - 2014-05-25

What a shame.

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