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Comment count is 15
HarrietTubmanPI - 2012-06-28

Looks more than half an inch taller to me.

OxygenThief - 2012-06-28

Let's form a flash mob and measure it!

Camonk - 2012-06-28

Oh wow like one in five people kind of mis-stepped this is avant-garde city planning social engineering a million stars

Vimeo is basically a source of awful videos

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-06-28

And you're a source of awful comments. You should try calling more people "cunt" to see if they like you.

Camonk - 2012-06-28

Your mom likes it.

There. I put in as much effort as you did. Try harder.


memedumpster - 2012-06-28

Wait until CenaMark gets home, young man.

Camonk - 2012-06-28

Oh shit he'll talk to me about rasslin' and the ACA!

The Mothership - 2012-06-29

five triumphant stars for Camonk's return. what's it been, 2 years?

SolRo - 2012-06-29

You seem angsty camonk. Did your boyfriend leave you, or did he stop using lube without considering your feelings?

baleen - 2012-06-29

I thought it was a kind of charming vox populi man on the street piece that made me vaguely miss New York the way I usually do.

Enjoy - 2012-06-29

John Edwards just popped a ginormous boner.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-29

People are in too much of a hurry to react to tripping.

Scynne - 2012-06-29

Interesting how people seem to increase their pace after tripping.

fluffy - 2015-07-27

It's almost like they're trying to compensate for a sudden downward motion by increasing their velocity to regain balance

American Standard - 2012-06-29

Amazed this exists in such a litigious society.

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